Flying Flowers Discount Codes June 2024

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Tom Church, Deal Expert
Flying Flowers discount codes checked by
Tom Church, Deal Hunting Expert

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Flying Flowers Deals & Offers!

Flying Flowers Deals & Offers!

Thinking about gifting your loved one a beautiful bouquet of flowers? But you have no clue where to shop from? Flying Flowers is the right place for you. You can choose from a...
30th Jun 2021
FREE DELIVERY & 10% off at Flying Flowers

FREE DELIVERY & 10% off at Flying Flowers

I have used this company a few times and have just been sent a mail shot with this discount code inside so though I would share it with you all. Bouquets start at 18.99. FREE...
20th Oct 2020
Special Offer Flying Flowers - FREE DELIVERY

Special Offer Flying Flowers - FREE DELIVERY

Good value flowers I reckon from only £18.99 with FREE DELIVERY on everything at Flying Flowers Johnny Send beautiful fresh flowers to your loved ones with FREE UK delivery....
10th May 2020
Flying Flowers Deals & Offers!

Flying Flowers Deals & Offers!

Thinking about gifting your loved one a beautiful bouquet of flowers? But you have no clue where to shop from? Flying Flowers is the right place for you. You can choose from a...
25th May 2021
Brilliant Birthday Gift Set + 50% Extra Free

Brilliant Birthday Gift Set + 50% Extra Free

FREE Delivery Save £5!* + 50% extra free Includes mini prosecco Lindor chocolates and a birthday card Send them a burst of Summer Perfect for all occasions Arrives perfectly...
6th May 2021
Cottage Garden at Flying Flowers

Cottage Garden at Flying Flowers

FREE Lindor Mini Milk Chocolates use code FREECHOCS FREE Delivery *Save £10 Send a burst of blooms to make them smile Arrives perfectly arranged Naturally scented flowers...
6th May 2021
Twinkling Nights at Flying Flowers

Twinkling Nights at Flying Flowers

FREE Lindor Mini Milk Chocolates use code FREECHOCS FREE Delivery *Save £5 Arrives perfectly arranged Naturally scented flowers Delivered in bud to guarantee freshness All...
6th May 2021
Free Chocs and Free Delivery

Free Chocs and Free Delivery

Free chocolates and free delivery on many bouquets. You can also add other items to the order. They are still offering for delivery for tomorrow. Flowers starting from £19.99...
13th Feb 2020
Celebrate the Royal Wedding with £5 Off*

Celebrate the Royal Wedding with £5 Off*

The Royal Wedding is just a few days away and we are already excited. So to celebrate this very special occasion, were giving you £5 off* our very own royal wedding themed...
16th May 2018
Spring Brights + 25% Extra FREE

Spring Brights + 25% Extra FREE

FREE Delivery FREE Personal Message GUARANTEED fresh for 5 days ADD AN OPTIONAL GIFT (after you checkout from the basket) 3 Blue Iris 3 Yellow Santini...
15th Apr 2018
Gift Wrapped Lily

Gift Wrapped Lily

What a great value gift! This stunning Lily comes ready gift-wrapped and is perfect for someone who loves Lilies and wants them to last a little longer! Our Plants With a little...
20th Mar 2017
🥇 Best Discount25% Off
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🕰️ Most Recent29 May 24
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Author: Tom Church
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The content on this page is partly user generated and crowd-sourced by millions of Latest Deals members.

The most popular Flying Flowers vouchers for June 2024

Voucher Code DescriptionDiscount TypeLikes
Get 20% off Orders with Promo CodeVoucher1
Flying Flowers Discount Code 15% OffVoucher1
FREE Lindor Chocolates (37g) on Orders Placed by 31/10/22Voucher1
15% off Your Order at [Retailer]Voucher1
Extra 10% off Full Price Flowers at Flying FlowersVoucher1
20% off PeoniesVoucher1

How to redeem Flying Flowers vouchers?

Step 1: Select the Flying Flowers of your choice at and head on to

Step 2: Select the corresponding item(s) for your voucher and click "Add To Basket”. You can also shop for other items if you want.

Step 3: Once you're done shopping, click "Basket" found at the top right corner of the page to checkout.

Step 4: In your order summary, you will see "Promotional Code”, simply type in or paste your voucher code in the box provided and click "Apply Code". Your order total will then be adjusted accordingly. Click “Proceed to Checkout”.

Step 5: Fill in your delivery to proceed.

Step 6: Fill in your payment details to finalize your order.

Step 7: Enjoy your discount!

Why is my Flying Flowers discount code not working?

There are several reasons why your code might not be working:

Reason 1: The discount code might have expired.

Reason 2: You might be applying the discount code to certain items that do not accept discount codes.

Reason 3: You have already used this same discount code when shopping before at Flying Flowers.

Reason 4: You have not spent the minimum amount of money necessary to make the discount code work.

Reason 5: You have taken the discount code from an international deals site, which probably doesn’t apply to Flying Flowers.

Flying Flowers Buyer's Guide

Choices of Beautiful Flower Collections at Flying Flowers

Looking for the ideal gift for a loved one? You can try sending beautiful flowers from Flying Flowers. They have a wide variety of flower collections to choose from, all of which are sure to impress. Whether you're looking for something classic or unique, they have an ideal gift for every occasion.

Cheerful Smile Flower Bouquet


Are you looking for a gift to cheer someone up?

Flying Flowers’s beautiful Cheerful Smile Flower Bouquet is the accurate way to show your loved ones you care. It arrives in bud form, so the flowers are guaranteed to be fresh when they bloom. Plus, it's packed with cheerful yellow tones that will bring happiness into any home.

They know that sometimes it can be tough to find the right words to say how you feel. That's why they've made it easy for you - you can order this gorgeous bouquet and they'll take care of everything for you. Your loved ones will appreciate your thoughtfulness and your amazing sense of style.

Spring Cheer Flower Bouquet


Are you looking for a lovely flower bouquet?

It could be more refreshing with a beautiful bouquet of flowers to celebrate the arrival of spring. Their gorgeous blend of colors and textures is just what you need to brighten up your day. And not only do they look great, but they also smell amazing!

British grown tulips are some of the best in the world, and they’ve included a mix of colors and textures to create a bouquet that is sure to please. Plus, their flowers are naturally scented, so you can enjoy their fragrance even after they’ve bloomed.

Amazing Alstroemeria Flower Bouquet


Looking for a bouquet of alstroemeria? Look no further!

This is the best place to get your alstroemeria because we have 12 mixed colors and they come in bud form so you can guarantee freshness. They are perfect for all occasions, too! You won’t find another bunch like it on the market today.

These beauties will fully bloom within a few days, so you don’t have to worry about them dying out before their time. Plus, they come in bud form so that means less maintenance and more enjoyment from these flowers. It doesn't get better than this! If you want something different and unique, then you can buy this amazing bouquet.

Choices of Amazing Plant Collections at Flying Flowers

There are so many different types of plants to choose from when you're shopping for flowers. How do you know which is the best choice for you? Flying Flowers has a great selection of amazing plant collections that will make your home look beautiful! You can check out their online catalog and find the ideal plants for your needs. You're sure to fall in love with their stunning flower arrangements!

Pink Cyclamen Jug


Jug plants make a great addition to any home.

This pink cyclamen jug plant is accurate for adding a touch of color to your home. It's accurate and beautiful. The vibrant pink cyclamen in this jug is sure to brighten up any room in your home. It makes a great addition to any décor and is accurate for bringing life into any space.

You'll love this pretty pink cyclamen jug plant that comes in a ceramic jug with a ribbon. It's the ideal way to add some life and color to your home. With dimensions of 25cm height (plant only 10cm) width 15cm, it will fit perfectly into any space you choose.

Cute Cat Ceramic


Are you a cat lover?

Flying Flowers has the ideal gift for you! This novelty ceramic planter is shaped like a cute little kitty, and it’s filled with an orange rose plant. The blooms will fully open over the next few days, so it’s guaranteed to be fresh when it arrives at your doorstep. It's accurate for anyone who loves cats or wants to add some color to their home decor.

You can use this adorable planter again and again because there are no flowers in the pot when we ship it out to you. So if you want something that looks great on your desk or table without taking up too much space, then this is just what you need!

Serene Peace Lily


Looking for a way to increase productivity in the home office?

Studies have found that having plants around the home and workplace can increase productivity. That's why they've got this stylish Peace Lily plant, ideal for the home office or desk to help keep your brain on top form.

Not only will this plant help you be more productive, but it also brings serenity to any home. The Peace Lily is a top indoor air cleaning plant, making it a great choice for anyone looking for an easy way to improve their environment.

Choices of Beautiful Flower Bouquet Collections For Occasion at Flying Flowers

There are a lot of different occasions that you might need to buy a flower bouquet for. But no matter what the occasion is, you're going to want to pick out a beautiful and unique bouquet. So, how do you know which one to choose? Well, Flying Flowers has a ton of different options for you to choose from! You can pick out a traditional bouquet or go with something more modern. No matter what your style is, Flying Flowers has an accurate bouquet waiting for you.

Twinkling Nights Flower Bouquet


Celebrate any occasion with our beautiful Twinkling Nights flower bouquet!

This bold and beautiful Twinkling Nights bouquet is great for any celebration! It features a wonderful mix of roses, stocks, chrysanthemums and statice, and arrives beautifully arranged.

Their naturally scented flowers will bloom into a beautiful display within a few days. Plus, 4 white roses make this bouquet extra special. So if you’re looking for something unique and stylish, look no further than their Twinkling Nights flower bouquet.

Scented Spring Letterbox Flower Bouquet


Are you looking for a new flower arrangement?

This bunch is an accurate springtime medley bursting with fabulous fragrance. And it's even delivered right through their letterbox – so no need to hang about for the postie! British grown tulips, naturally scented flowers, and blooms will fully open within a few days are just some of the features that make this bouquet great.

You can have your fresh flowers delivered in bud to guarantee freshness or have them arrive later as they open up over several days. It’s all up to you! If you want something different from what everyone else has on their doorstep then order this bouquet today! They promise it won't disappoint.

Fiery Rose and Tulip Flower Bouquet


Are you looking for a gift for your loved one?

This bouquet is the ideal choice. It’s full of bright colors and textures that will bring life to any room. The blooms will arrive in bud, so they’ll stay fresh until you give them as a gift. They have an amazing selection of flowers that will brighten up any room. Their blooms are hand-selected by our expert florists to ensure the freshest, most vibrant colors and textures.

You can send this bouquet with confidence knowing it will be delivered on time and look beautiful when it arrives. They have over 20 years of experience delivering flowers across the world, so they know how important timing is when sending gifts like these. And their customer service team is always available if you need help placing an order or have questions about their products!

Flying Flowers FAQ Section

Flying Flowers reviews

from 5 reviews
over a year ago
I'm really happy with the purchase of my flowers from the Not only they were super fresh but they looked absolutely beautiful and bright - really brightened up my lounge! Plus they lasted a long time! The delivery was next day so I didn't have to wait long. The surprise gift with the flowers were the scrumptious Lindor chocolate. So, you can't go wrong with the price of the flowers plus a freebie. So it's a win win. I highly recommend flying flowers to those who are after great quality, beautiful flowers for your loved ones.
over a year ago
I ordered a bunch of flowers for a family member during lockdown, the colours of the flowers were nice (white and yellows). However, the bunch was smaller than pictured and some of the flowers looked a bit dead. Once the bunch was in a vase it looked slightly better. Each bunch comes with flower food and you can add a personalised message.
over a year ago
Flowers were ordered on Friday and delivery was requested for the next day. I was pleasantly surprised when the recipient phoned me on Saturday morning to say they had arrived. She was delighted with the colours and quality of the blooms, it really made her 40th anniversary special. Very efficient service thank you.
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