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Almost 100 Years On, Some Things Have Regressed Not Progressed


As mentioned elsewhere I've been watching back series of Poirot which is set in the 30s.

I am of course aware these are fiction but the representation of the time is accurate and I have been amazed at how far we've come but also what we have lost along the way.

There weren't that many cars so parking was literally anywhere. Last post was after 9pm, can you imagine that now? The trains ran regularly and on time, practically to the minute. I have been transported to another time which i realise wasn't all pleasant but it is hard to believe it is set almost 100 years ago.

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I understand exactly what you mean. I was only taking yesterday to my husband about the amount of products we have to plug in these days. We had a wireless radio, we toasted under the grill, we played games without plugging things in, the list goes on…..


eyeballkerry it was the post one that got me, imagine getting several deliveries per day, last one around 9pm. They can barely manage one per day nowadays and the trains are a total shambles.


Lynibis I used to love it when we got second post, used to enjoy getting post back then, used to be exciting.


eyeballkerry today's young people would never understand the absolute joy and excitement of receiving a written or typed letter. My ex and I were both in the Navy and would write nearly every day, the anticipation at post call waiting for your name to be called out, and a real downer when it wasn't lol.

Today people don't even write many letter emails, just condense news down into several texts which is no longer exciting.


I think technology has advanced way over and beyond sound morals and good ethics.Manners and base line respect of other people is on the wain although people have become oh so good at asserting their own rights.


MelissaLee1 so so true. Again I know Poirot is fiction but it is so nice watching something that (the main murder aside) is gentle and not full of aggression and hate. I can't help blaming what we see on tv now for the erosion of the things you mention. Far too much graphic detail.


Lynibis If I turn a programme on and they are tearing each other's clothes off in the corridor in the first few minutes I fast change channels.I'm not a prude by any means but just sort of informs me that the story line is lacking somewhere.


MelissaLee1 yep, I am same.


Were you watching the old episode of Poirot with elderly twins, one an artist with a letter in his pocket delivered 9pm?


Pjran yes, dead at foot of stairs, having been seen earlier in a restaurant lol. But have seen late post delivery in other episodes too😆


There are things from even when I was younger that have changed massively. My pupils are shocked when I tell them that we didn't have smart phones, that you had to use dial up if you wanted the Internet, you couldn't use the phone and the Internet at the same time. There are so many things that technology has changed, some for the better but not all.


MrsCraig and not just technology. When I was a kid we didn't have duvets, we didn't have an electric kettle, (not sure if they were around) slow cookers, microwaves, no ATMs, the list is never ending. I often daydream about time travel and showing people like Henry VIII a smartphone, I'd probably be burned as a witch lol.


Lynibis I think you would definitely be burned as a witch for something like that. I remember my parents telling me that there were no colour tvs when they were younger. The 1st TV in my bedroom was actually their old black and white one. My parents would always say to me we didn't have that when we were younger, made me appreciate what I had.


The past is like a different country, the buildings , the people, daily activities, how people worked etc all different. How people thought was different too. While we have ebikes now for conventional bicycles mainly the cheap ones they don't seem to have changed that much. You see people on bicycles from the 60s, 70s and 80s and they don't look out of place.

My first new bicycle was a Raleigh Arena road bike and I think if I rode one today like that no one would think it a novelty yet if I drove a car from the same period it would be very retro/vintage.

I remember years ago someone was murdered in Yeovil and it was such a rare event it made national news. Such a murder nowadays would be local news only as there are just so many of them. Same with stabbings in the past, hardly ever heard of such a crime but nowadays it seems like school kids are chasing down people they don't like and stabbing them to death almost as a daily news story.

I guess the main difference for me was in the past things happened but it seemed like the authorities were in control and would be dealt with properly but nowadays I don't feel like authorities have any real control we are turning to an anarchic state without fear of punishment.


BonzoBanana sadly, I have to agree with you. This is why I am now watching gentler tv as I can no longer stomach the violence in newer stuff with no holds barred.


Times have certainly changed, not always for the best.


We make comments like this every time we re-watch the old Miss Marples, old England was absolutely lovely, where did it all go so wrong?!


tumblespots Like It has made me way to do the Miss Marples next. My memories of late 50s, early 60s are wonderful, where did it go wrong? Too many people and becoming dehumanized with councils unable to do their jobs properly.

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