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What Would You Do if Your Partner Didn't like Your New Hair Cut or Colour

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I was watching a video on Facebook and I woman had her hair done I think it was lovely in purple as I'm all for colour in my hair anyway her husband said it was horrible and he doesn't want to been seen out with her she was upset because she loved her new look now if that was me I would be alright fine I'm not changing it because it's what I like not him what would you do? Do you need your partner approval?

2 days ago
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I would say fine I will go out with my pals until it grows out and if he still felt the same I would do it again!


Lynibis lol exactly it would bother me at all if my partner didn't like anything I wear or do my hair I'd be like cya in a few months or I'd probably keep it like that


I'm divorced, and don't have a partner, but if I did, I would just say hard luck, I like it and that's all that matters to me. So just put up with it.


LyndaSarrington I would think most would be the same, but there are not I don't understand it myself wouldn't bother me what my partner would think lol


Unless I came home with bright pink hair or a buzz cut I'm not sure my husband would notice. Either way he would say it looks great and never mention it again because he knows as long as I love it that's what counts.


Nothing. My man prefers me with long hair but I have to cut it because I struggle to look after it being ill. I prefer bigger men but it's not right for his health. Our preferences are quite different but it's my body and its his so we have the say over our own bodies


That man is over opinionated and unkind to his partners feelings. Ditch him 😂


As long as l loved my new perm, highlights, colour or cut no one else's opinion would matter to me at all.

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