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Two or maybe three of the competitions that I've submitted today haven't gone through. I think it's most likely to do with the picture upload.
I have just put out a deal for an Audrey Hepburn Box set if you wouldn't mind looking into it please. I'm guessing it's to do with the image used which is why it didn't go through.
Can you put one of the 'Nightmare On Elm Street 1-7 Blu-ray' threads live please. I tried to submit it twice, I'm wondering if it was the blood splatter that stopped it going through?
Perhaps you could change the title of this to "Why has my deal been deleted/disappeared" that way, people could post here instead of creating new threads each time it happens.
Maybe one or two of the more important threads could be pinned to the top as well at some point?
Call of duty Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition has just disappeared.
A competition from Zoom that I tried to submit has also gone on the missing list.
Done - thanks! FashionGirl there were loads of yours in the moderation queue, sorry! I think it's because you put 3 x's at the end of your deals? Sorry to be a pain, try doing 2 xx's instead?
Tom oh thanks! I didn't even notice. Haha yeh I was putting xxx - didn't even consider how that might be interpreted as naughty lol!
The Game of Thrones DVD post I just submitted has gone into moderation.
Never mind. Either one of you brought it back faster than Usain Bolt can run the 100m dash or it didn't go into moderation.
Please fix this: https://www.latestdeals.co.uk/deals/kick-ass-2-xbox-360-amazon
Wait, it was 'removed' because of the word a-s-s? Oh come on.
Fixed! Sorry about that - we're still using a list of swearwords someone from Google created to filter against - they were clearly a little sensitive!
That's a pain in the bum. You've added a picture, written up a description and then the system doesn't let it through. It comes up with "No naughty URL's please"
When one of you does see this, can you approve the competition from HeyUGuys please.
"post validation failed" pops up when I try to change the picture for this competition https://www.latestdeals.co.uk/competitions/absolutely-fabulous-the-movie-on-dvd-heyuguys
This has gone into moderation https://www.latestdeals.co.uk/competitions/win-nine-lives-on-blu-ray-flickeringmyth
There seems to be an issue with this: https://www.latestdeals.co.uk/deals/darksiders-warmastered-edition-ps4xowiiu-base
I checked before posting and there wasn't a deal of it posted.
Can you bring back one of the American Horror Story deals that I submitted please, preferably the newest one. I think it has gone into moderation because of the snake and where it is. I was actually going to fill it in but I forgot.
One of you brought it back. https://www.latestdeals.co.uk/deals/nightmare-on-elm-street-1-7-blu-ray-cheapest-price-zavvi
Test: Hell
Could the word h-e-l-l be removed from the 'meanie' words list? Never know when a product with the word h-e-l-l pops up and would be worth posting.
Speaking of meanie, I love the Green Meanie costume from Screem Queens Season 2. :p
Could one of you have a look and see if an Ax Paris voucher is waiting to be approved please. I can't remember if it did go into moderation or I changed the page to quickly before it fully went through.
Something went wrong with my new deal - https://www.latestdeals.co.uk/deals/shin-megami-tensei-iv-apocalypse-nintendo-3ds-amazon
My deal just disappeared for Infinite Warfare for PS4 and Xbox One at £18.85 ?
EDIT: Doesn't matter. It is now showing
Deal has disappeared: https://www.latestdeals.co.uk/deals/shin-megami-tensei-iv-apocalypse-nintendo-3ds-amazon
This one isn't working for some reason: https://www.latestdeals.co.uk/deals/project-x-zone-2-nintendo-3ds-gameseek
Tom Yep. I saw that issue and when I went to edit, the deal just disappeared.
Edit: When I click edit it says this: Sorry, we couldn't find this page.
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