Amazon Discount Finder
Find hidden 80%+ savings on Amazon products
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Toggle a few knobs and off you go - all the discounted Amazon products you could ever want!
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Be sure to check out our Amazon discount page for 100s of vouchers, offers and deals shared by our community of over 3 million deal hunters!
How does it work?
We make use of hidden filters and options on Amazon to show you products with the biggest savings. You just need to choose your options in the discount finder above, hit "search" and we'll open Amazon up on a new window with all your results. Easy peasy!
Why did you make it?
Amazon have so many products - a mind boggling number - and we knew they were hiding sneaky discounts somewhere. We wanted to make a tool that made uncovering these Amazon bargains as easy as possible.
What kind of savings can I expect?
Anything up to (believe it or not!) 100% savings! Sometimes Amazon runs special promotions or you might undercover a price glitch that lets you order items for nothing. Completely free! Bonkers as it sounds, we've seen it countless times. But the beauty of our Amazon Discount Finder is that you can customise it - choose the minimum discount you're looking for and off you go!
- Over 75% savings on TV & Film - including DVDs and Blu-rays
- We've seen half price offers on Home and Garden e.g. crazy cheap sofas and chairs.
- They'll often be 50% savings on Health and Beauty - we used the discount finder to find a pack of Gillette Razor blades for less than £7 - they usually sell for £20!
Will this tool find the cheapest price?
We'll always find the best hidden prices on Amazon but you should check to see if what you're looking for is available elsewhere. It could be cheaper from a competitor website. You can have a look at genuine deals shared by real people on LatestDeals including Tesco Deals, John Lewis Deals and Argos Deals.
Do Amazon change their prices?
Yes - always be cautious as Amazon's prices fluctuate by the hour. They may be advertising a big 50% saving but if you really want to find a bargain you can be sure of then you'll need to check historic prices too. If the same product is on Latest Deals you can find price history graphs below the product description. You can also search Latest Deals for a price comparison. Stick in the Amazon product you're thinking of buying and it'll tell you it's complete price history and whether the current price is the lowest it's ever been. If it is - snap it up! Otherwise consider waiting a bit longer to see if the price falls again.
Check for cheaper prices on the continent
It's always worth checking the price of the product you want across Amazon's French, Italian, German & Spanish stores. Whilst you might have to use a translater to navigate the price it could well be worth the effort. We've previously had savings of over £70 by ordering from a European Amazon rather than Amazon UK.
Need free delivery?
If you&'re trying to hit £20 to qualify for Amazon's super saver free delivery then try our Amazon Free Delivery Tool to find add-on items to reach £20 basket value.
Get Amazon Prime for Free
If you haven's used Amazon Prime before it's a great service that provides free next day (or even sometimes the same day!) delivery. You also get access to Amazon Instant Video (where you can watch/stream TV and films) and there are a bunch of other perks too. You can sign up for a free 30 day trial here.
Amazon is great!
We think so to! From it's humble beginnings as an online book store it's now a one stop shop for almost anything you can image. We hope you find our Amazon Discount Finder helpful. If you want to learn more about Amazon you can check out the Amazon Wikipedia to learn their story, visit the Amazon Facebook page for any special offers or follow their twitter feed.
We'll leave you this video introducing Amazon Prime Now - delivery within 2 hours!