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How Do You Clean Your Washing Machine?


I've tried dettol, service it, soda crystals and vanish. Nothing's worked so far. Is there something better out there that I've missed? Or do I need a new machine 😂

over a year ago
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I use bleach tablets in both the powder and conditioner compartments put it on a 30' wash and then do a second wash with nothing in the drawer . I Do it once a year and it always works without problems. I must point out that my machine is well out of warranty .


Thankyou I will try that 🙂


Whats the problem with it?

I usually take the soap tray out and soak it in boiling water then get an old toothbrush on it. Wipe the rubber around the door with a solution of bicarb and hot water making sure to get into all the folds (if you can take the rubber off even better as it gets really gunky behind). Empty the filter of any gunge then pour a bottle of white vinegar in the drum and put it on a boil wash and just let it run the cycle. If you are in a hard water area use Calgon regularly. If it works - you don't need a new one!


Yes I will have to start using calgon. I will try the vinegar as well. I just can't get my clothes to smell fresh no matter what I try.


Tasha042 As the others say bleach in the drawers to make sure the in pipe is clean. I can't use bleach as I have a septic tank so always forget others can! Good luck


I put bleach in the drawers, and put it on a wash. I once bought some expensive cleaner and it was just a liquid to put in draw and you had to quick wash it, it smelt like bleach


Soda crystals are meant to do the trick. In fact very good for a lot of household chores and safer than bleach and other chemicals. Is your machine very old? What makes you think it is not clean after all you have tried? Have you cleaned the filter? I use half a lemon in my dishwasher, may be good for washing machines to. I much prefer natural to chemicals.


Yes I prefer natural so lemon juice is a good idea. Just every time I clean it it will smell again after a couple of loads. I'm not sure how old it is, but we've had it for 5years and it was second hand. Suprised it's still working at all anyway 😂 I take out the drawer each time but how do you clean the filter?


Well they are all different but should be a flap at bottom or something to unscrew and there should be a filter that often gets clogged with gunge, you could google the make/model for instructions. If it is emptying and spinning ok it can't be too clogged though. I suppose something could have got in to the machine at back and died, I have known it to happen. Mine was a bit musty recently but the soda crystals did the job.


Thanks, I've never cleaned the filter before so I will have to look that up! I hope nothing's gotten in and died in it!! 😂 That would be my worst nightmare 😱

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