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Paid Time off if Your Pet is Sick?

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Should people should get paid time off to care for sick pets?

it's a new right New York is considering for workers. 🐶🐱

2 months ago
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You should be given the chance to use holiday days more last minute at a time where your animals are unwell, same with if your children are ill. But you shouldn't get paid leave for it. Smaller business owners already have it hard enough, they are even wanting to raise taxes and more protection over staff of those with small businesses, so having staff take time off and still paying them and potentially having to pay someone else to cover them, well again killing smaller businesses. And the giants will always be top.


No, fair enough taking an hour (maybe make it up another time)to take a sick pet to the vet , but not an whole day .


If the company wants to offer it as benefit, fair enough!

Forcing a company to pay for this by law is a bit too dictatorial.


I can see why, as some pets are as cherished as babies, but I’d say it’s perhaps more realistic for employers to be flexible and allow employees to use annual leave last minute rather than offer paid time off.


Not paid time off imo but as others have mentioned, company to be a little flexible and allow you to take an hour or two to maybe take them to vets or something like that


Zero chance of that happening surely. It just adds costs and problems to employers and very damaging to the economy. I've watched enough videos about New York recently and the utter chaos of shoplifting and huge price hikes in the cost of goods plus rent costs are unbelievable with people needing incomes of $60-80k just to afford rent. Like the UK supply is far below demand so landlords are exploiting renters and there is nothing really that can be done about it. I think the situation in New York is far worse than the UK though especially shoplifting. Both rent and shoplifting in New York is probably an indicator of what is to come here in the next few years. It's another indicator of the moronic state of politicians, they have huge problems on their doorstep which surely need to be 100% of their focus currently and they are considering paid holiday so people can look after pets. It should be stated in the US that there is no entitlement to paid holiday normally. Yes you get public holidays and people can take time off work unpaid legally but no paid holiday unless the company you work at offers it themselves.


I think it will depend on circumstance. is the pet terminally ill, or do they require medication 6 times a day for a week… otherwise you will have everyone calling in saying their cat/dog is scratching itself lol


Might pass muster in NY but somehow don't see it becoming law over here. Image


I have always had pets and have taken days off to look after them when they’re sick but honestly i don’t think this should become a thing.

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