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Do You Regret Binge Watching?

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So I have to admit to binge watching iPlayer or itx .have just done so with di Ray

Now I think I shouldn't have as nothing else to watch at that time of night .

SAdly I only have Freeview which I don't get all the stations .so I binge watch on my tablet when I can't sleep

Surely u can't be the only one yo think I wish ed I had not and just watched ad normal.lo

2 months ago
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I don't binge watch anything, so no regrets.


No regrets - I only binge watch shows I want to see but mainly during weekends before bed!



I regret other people bingeing TV shows before it has come out fully on the same channel.

If it is one to discuss with friends, family or others with similar interests we should all be watching it at the same time, when it is properly released. Fair enough we all have different spare time and might be behind anyway. But I don't appreciate the morning after release, when I've watched one episode, set it to record the next week and would likely watch it then when it is a 6 parter and everyone is saying it was a spectacular ending or absolutely dreadful and they wished they hadn't watched it. They've watched the whole series the moment it was released, when most people would have been sleeping or doing other things... don't leave me behind!! 🤣

It has ruined discussing TV programmes with others for me though, as everyone is always on a completely different stage.

As old as this is going to make me sound... no wonder people don't have any patience anymore, it's all instantly available 😮‍💨


I only binge watch, watching something week after week is boring, waiting a week for another episode, I prefer to watch over a few nights

Have you thought of buying a firestick, lots of free apps with box sets on, old and new, I've been watching falling skies again for some odd reason lol


Never. I love binge watching programmes. I’m making my way through all of the housewives series on hayu


It depends on the show really, if it’s a complicated one with a lot going on i prefer to binge watch so i don’t forget little details.

There is something to watching stuff once a week though


I wouldn't say I binge watch. I watch 2 or 3 episodes at a time. I have a list of shows I want to watch and work my way through it. When I'm getting towards the bottom of the list I look for new shows to watch


I was thinking 🤔 about this, either you wait for each episode a week lol which is annoying or you watch all the episodes in one go but then you have nothing else to watch 🤦🏻‍♀️ but I do have a lot of different tv dramas and shows to watch 😬


I have a fire stick and love binge watching, l don't like waiting for the next episode as I'm usually binge watching more than one series, I'm kinda forgetful in my senior years and sometimes even within a week l can forget the story, so thank heaven's for the previously clips at the beginning..l watched Lost, The Walking Dead and many more back to back. 🤣🤣


Depends on the show for me personally. At times I can’t deal with waiting each week for the next episode


I binge watch something I'm really enjoying but lesser programs having bigger gaps between the episodes. I don't binge watch much. I don't have stuff like netflix anyway. However when I do an amazon prime trial I have to binge watch everything I want to see on there because I've only got it for a few weeks before I cancel it.


Our version of binge watching tv shows is 1 a night so they last quite a while. We have a firestick so lots to watch


Lol I've started watching desperate housewives I'm starting to regret it but I need to know what happens only on series 3 out of 8


We try to binge watch most things as by the time the next series comes around we've forgot whats been happening.

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