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Feedback Wanted: Religious and Political Chats on Latest Deals?



Please can you give me your opinion on whether religious and political chats should be allowed on Latest Deals?

We have received numerous complaints, however it is a difficult decision to make and I would like to consult you, the members, for your opinion.

Should religious and political Chats be allowed on Latest Deals?

NOTE - Please do not reply to other member's comments on this Chat thread. I am looking for honest opinions, not arguments.

SECOND NOTE - We do not have the time or capacity to moderate the contents of Chat threads. If the decision is to allow them, it is without moderation.

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Personally I do not see any relevance in religious chats on a deals / money saving website. Potentially political in chats around the economy and things like that are more acceptable. That is just my personal opinion. This is not meant to cause any offence to anyone or any religion.


They go beyond chats and I think you must realise that. I was considering whether to leave the site. Debating between the principle of not colluding with racists and not being pushed off a site that I otherwise enjoy using. This should not be a platform for Britain First.

I am very pleased that people have been complaining.

If you are not able to moderate, I don't see that you have been given any choice but to just not allow the subjects although as lizzie95xx has said, economics and politics are mixed and it would be a shame for it to be blocked altogether just because of a couple of people. I know one person who was very active and helpful who has gone because of them. I hope he or she returns if the more civilised tone returns.


In my view Latest Deals is the wrong platform on which to discuss controversial, sensitive, emotionally-charged, political issues . Call them what you will. I mean issues that will, or could, create an argument - including views on religion, culture, immigration and race. Stuff like that.

If people want to spend time discussing, arguing or ranting over political or other controversial and sensitive issues online, I think they should go to a political blog or a news site and have their debates and rants there, with other like-minded people.

There’s enough politics in the media without Latest Deals becoming another platform where people get stressed or worked up over such issues.

Discussing political and / or controversial issues can very quickly become unfriendly, offensive and aggressive – unless such posts are moderated 24/7, or comments are not put live on the site until they have been checked and approved by a moderator. Either method would frankly be a total waste of time and money for a Deals Site.

What makes Latest Deals so fun, special, unique, and attractive to users is that from the beginning it has successfully sought to nurture and cultivate a friendly online environment . To my mind that is a good formula.

I hate to think people are being put off from using Latest Deals because they don’t like, or are offended by, political and / or controversial comments in the Chat Room.

Is such religious and political chat of any benefit to Latest Deals? I can’t see any.

There’s more than enough political coverage in the mainstream media. Far better to keep it there, and keep Latest Deals as a fun place to be.


Personally I use this facility to help with my economics there are many other sites to assist with politics, religion or spirituality etc. Not the time or place I believe.


I personally do not want to see it on here.

i have only been on here since April and in that small amount of time I have found that I do not want to start a chat or comment anymore.

And i have even thought of leaving.

As far as I am concerned this is a place for fun, freebies and bargains. Please let’s keep it that way


I think religion and politics effects other things and that is why we end up to chat about it time to time.


LD has the main area for deals, freebies, vouchers and all that and then there's the Chat which is separated from the rest of it. What exactly is the issue in discussing issues on the Chat/Misc section? It's going to offend some people? That's bound to happen because this is the internet and turning it into a filtered space everywhere will just end up on making people numb.

I don't see the problem on why we can't have civilized conversations about whatever article we want. This isn't even an issue of cursing since that can be avoided unless used in a good context.


But okay, if that's how most feel on here. I won't discuss political matters anymore on LD.


Thank you everyone for your feedback. Please keep it coming, it's good to hear both sides. Note - as I wrote in the Chat post above, please do not reply to other member's comments on this Chat thread. We have deleted all replies as we want honest opinions without fear of reproach.


To be honest it doesn't bother me. If I don't agree with what is being said, then I don't agree. I'm not the type who would get into an arguement or want someone banned or kicked off if I don't agree with them. Nowadays no one can say anything about anything! So I would rather see views I don't agree with than have censorship. I think the problem is we've got to a point if we see something we don't like we think it should be erased or supressed. I don't think that way. For eg, I can't stand neo-nazis but if we do live in a democracy then they have the right to exist and express their views. As far as latest deals goes if I don't wish to read/see that kind of content I will not click on it, but I don't feel others shouldn't have the right to express their views.


I can’t say I’m bothered by it. I use this site for deals and more lighthearted matters. If someone wants to post things I’m not bothered by, I think they ought to - they have the right to express themselves; in turn, I’ll just choose not to comment

is there perhaps a way to ignore entire threads? I know there’s the facility to ignore specific members, so can that be applied on the threads?


Hmm it usually just ends up in arguments and thin skinned libtards taking offence so I just prefer the deals to be honest - I have given up twitter and facebook just full of folks who want to prove they are more clever than you , more erudite , better at the one liners call it what you will - a reflection of modern society - no one can get on with anyone these days without threatening violence, foul language, reporting you for telling the truth - debates and polite conversation are a bygone era and yes I know you are referring to our badinage - to be honest who cares really its only the stuffy old bored housewives and limousine libtards who take offence at reasoned debate - free speech is free speech (or it used to be until everyone became so scared of political correctness) but I cant be ar$ed wasting my time I have better things to do - LIKE posting amazing deals on Latestdeals.co.uk and hitting that 50k mark lol

😂 😎 😍

PS. Tom do you have any DEMON emoji's - thats my bag lol

I am such a bad bad man...

Closest I can find is 👺

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