Terrible 2s
Are daughter is going though the terrible 2s being spitfull and havein a real attitude any advise please
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Too many parents do not carry through. If you say no cartoon if you don't pick up your toys.......do it, otherwise it sets a precedent and they will know you do not mean it.
Thanks for the reply we are very stern with her naughty corner is being used a lot at the moment
Don't let it bother you - you've got it easy YET - less than a year she'll be a threenager - then that's followed up by the frightening fours. (sometimes shortened to the f***ing fours)
First of all well done on getting past the teething- sleepless nights- and the newborn stage
Terrible twos is just another phase!
Stay in control. Follow through on the punishments, don't negotiate, and plenty of praise for little things that is done right.
It will be another thing for use to look back on and laugh about
Enjoy her, even on the rough days. They grow so quick
We're get there I know it's a phase like the other phases she's been though can't imagian when she's a teenager and how she will be.
parenting is just another lesson
I have a 7 year old boy
As 6 year old girl
And a 2.5 year old.
It will be over quicker than it started.
I do find my two girls have been more challenging than my boy we are all the same.
My niece is currently going through the 'selective mutism' phase where she likes to ignore everyone and do what the hell she wants. I find it hilarious but I guess I don't have to look after her everyday!
It is hard not to laugh sometimes at what she dose sometimes I have to leave the room because I can't let her see that I'm laughing would send the wrong message
dunnypcbfl I'm terrible, I laugh in front of her... she knows I find her hilarious.
As a mother of Five children. Age 9,4,2,1 and five Months old. I would strong advice you to be patient. At 2year old, children need lots of affirmation and praise for good behaviour. Focus more encouraging good behave. Try to have same consquence for undesired behaviour. Hope this helps.
All children are pycopaths until they reach the age of 4 and the brain gets all the pathways connected. Don't that explain some of the behaviour.
I have an 8 and 5 year old both boys in sure it just gets worse.... I go to work everyday just to keep my sanity
Pycopaths a very good way to describe my daughter I only spend a few hours with her after work got know how my wife feels
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