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Union Jack Waistcoat Man Ejected from Boxing


last night in manchester there was a big title fight for boxing . there was a man sar in the crowd wearing a union jack waistcoat as one of the fighters was from uk x he asked why he was being asked to leave and they told him because his waistcoat was offensive to other people in the arena ... now forgive me if im wrong the man was in his own country supporting his sportsman he had paid good money for and was wearing his national flag . WHY IS THIS OFFENSIVE , he was surrounded by around 10 security men who was pulling at his arms and being down right nasty with him and his friends . this could had become a really nasty situation all because of a waistcoat ... now if he was in a different country i could understand it but why is it always us as a nation who are made a mockery of ... if it offends them leave ... we cant walk over to security n say that hijab is offending me because we will be called racist ... time this country changed

over a year ago
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It is quite unbelievable isn't it? There are many things that the US get wrong but their open, obvious patriotism is to be envied. The incident you mention was disgraceful and should never have happened. I am neither racist nor misanthrope but I'm becoming increasingly concerned about the 'snowflake culture' ooooops! I've probably upset some more of them with this term .😁


He was told by staff to cover it up because they don't allow sports colours to be worn, and in this it extended to include international colours due to it involving international boxers at the event. Every ticket holder was told this when they bought the ticket. In the end he wasn't ejected for wearing it, he was ejected for being a dickhead to the staff when they asked him to cover it, which he did the first time they asked but he put it back on afterwards hoping no one would notice. 100% deserved to be thrown out.


Thank you for explaining - I didn't know this was a known rule before he entered and made a judgement on what I saw.


So......Bulldog, if this is the case why can the supporters of Khan, as an example, wave the Pakistani flag and not be thrown out? ......and why was Chisora not asked to remove the Union Jack he was wearing around his face?.......asking for a friend??


Justasking no one was waving flags. Chisora is a boxer, not a member of the public, lol.


Does seem crazy, until bulldog expained.


This is ridiculous.

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