Unique Baby Names ?
I personally like unique name as long as the child will be able to spell it and won’t get bullied for it. The once’s like apple, Sunday or runner no that going to far ?
What unique name do you like and don’t like ?
I certainly didn't like the one that hit the news recently when the child's passport was made fun of: Abcde.
You will spend a life time pronouncing, spelling and correcting people! All my children have unusual names so I know too well!!
Did you think about that before you gave them those names? How does it affect them when asked to spell their names? Are they normal names spelt differently or completely unique? Sorry for all the questions. Hope you don't mind.
GlitchHunter yes I did think it may be tricky but as they are dual heritage we wanted names to respect both cultures. My eldest loves having a different name but my middle who is shy doesn't correct when it's mispronounced so just gets called the wrong name!
MumOfThree would love to know there names my son is Blake and get told all the time it’s a girls name wanted him to be Rocio but everyone was against it.
Staceyjane Kaddie, Aminata (Ami for short) , Halimatu (Halle for short)! I love the name Blake wouldn't think it's a girl, Rocio is nice too
As a teacher I see a whole host of unique names and whenever I get a new class I always apologise if I pronounce a name wrong. Some names are beautiful and loved by the child that has it. I know a number of children with unique names that do not like them, normally because they are made fun of. I understand that parents want to give their child a unique name but they need to think about whether the name will be made fun of, how it might sound if mispronounced and how easy it is for the child to spell.
MumOfThree I know some people who spell it Neve to make it easier. Aoife is another one that kids struggle with
MumOfThree think it is Irish and like Siobhan which is pronounced Shivawn. A lot of people do choose Niamh but tend to spell it the way it sounds in England.........Neve as Mrs Craig has said above.
Lynibis it is indeed Irish and I have seen people spell it many different ways. There are a few Irish names that have unique spellings but are very pretty
I know someone called Gwarr and I have no idea how it's pronounced. I think it's also an irish name?
if you have an irish name it is spelt in Gaelic and therefore a different language so should be spelt correctly and not changed to make it easier. it is nice to have a unique spelling too
My daughter is called Darcy, it’s not so much that it’s unique that’s an issue but because there are lots of ways to spell it everyone still spells it wrong
We named are daughter alysia 3 years ago it's not as unique now but we're expecting a boy in March and we're struggling for a name
A YouTuber whose name was Rob Dyke had to change on his actual passport/identity, this is because his surname is considered offensive to lesbians so, there you go. Well, and that YouTube demonetized him for the use of the word "Dyke". If your name ever becomes offensive to someone, you might have to change it.
The word "gay" used to mean being happy, content, positive but now it's redefined.
Sucks for the guy he had to get rid of it but on the plus side, Gavagan sounds good and it was from his grandmother, as he said on the video.
I like mostly German origin names, I do not know why...I am not German XD
I really love the name Tíra...it is simple and it is originated from Thor`s name.
Also love the name Zelma, my daughter`s name....it means protected by God, the helmet of God...it is unique...
I love the name Magdalena it's beautiful name for a girl, it sounds so special like your calling a princess...
I like the name Joseph for a boy because I think
it's blessful name because of the story in the bible
sounds sweet.
My daughter n hubby trying for a baby n they have chosen Lilly which I love . But James for a boy n I just don't like it . But it's son in laws grandad name ..
Lily is a lovely name! I like the name James, think it is nice that it is after his grandad. My sons name was chosen due to family tradition. The first born boy gets their dad's middle name as their first name. My mother in law was delighted we went with the tradition. My sons middle name is after his grandad, which my dad is delighted with. His name is not unique but it is special.
I hope your daughter and son in law get their Lily or James soon.
I'm currently pregnant so will be following this thread with interest. I love unusual sounding names - my current dilemma is that as a white, British family (and I'm talking boringly British, we have no cultural mixing pot on either side) whether names from other countries and cultures are ok or are going to be setting a child up for forever being asked 'oh, are you Spanish/Italian/German' etc. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing but might get tedious to keep answering after a while!
Hi Suzj all the very best for when your baby comes. Is this your 1st. Do you know what you are having.
nicolajaynehend Thanks Nicola. My fourth though we lost my eldest in 2015 so my third actually with us. No idea of gender yet. My son's very sold on a brother.
Hi SuzJ so sorry to hear of your lose. Two boys but they are a handful. What will they do if they have a sister. Do let's us know what you have. Have you long to go.
in my granddaughters class theres a lad called Milo. I dont know if this is unusual but i havent heard it before and i love it
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