Is Vpn Safe?
Is vpn safe for your tablet?lots of not secure popups,never had before,can somebody tell me please
If you're using a FREE VPN - the answer is "Probably Not" (why should any organisation give you anything for nothing).
If you're using a paid for VPN - it's "Less Likely" you might ask what you've got to hide that is worth paying to hide though.
This might help:
cloud9 Hi,as you helped with the above,can you help with this problem?,
When you fill out a form for a competition,and you fill it out and it doesnt go through,and it says you
havent done the captcha,but the captcha doesnt appear on page,yes my browser is clear,thats why I did the vpn,as then the captcha did appear,many thanks if you could help again.
cloud9 Sorry I'm not sure what is happening so can't help but this; someone experiencing a similar problem might - I suggest you read through all the posts before starting:
cloud9 This is a pure guess so don't know if it is any use but: If the captchas involve pictures and you need "Flash Player" or similar to see that type of picture is there a chance there's something wrong or missing there.
I also found this that might help:
davidstockport Thanks your a star for helping,and going out of your way to help,I will try and solve,thanks again
It is but it also depends on the VPN you're using, just because you use a VPN doesn't mean it's reliable. It needs to be a trustworthy VPN because while there's a lot of "free" ones they're not credible.
I personally use Windscribe always, whenever I'm online so my internet data gets filtered through my VPN connection and then it goes to the ISP. This way, the ISP can't tell what I've been watching, browsing it downloading.
Sometimes ISPs can warn you or even suspend if you download something you shouldn't as they keep track of what you do with the logs they get from your connection.
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