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What a Waste of a Weekend


I have hurt my back, haven't a clue how it happened, it just 'went' as I walked down the stairs yesterday morning. I have 1 and 2 day weekends off alternately and this is my 2 day weekend so I am really annoyed that I can't do much. I am glad no one was filming me for 'You've Been Framed' trying to get dressed this morning!

So, if you see this chat forum inundated with comments from me this weekend, you will know why. Using my tablet or pc doesn't hurt! Hopefully will be fit for work by Monday, so in that respect good that it is my 2 day weekend.

over a year ago
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Hope you feel better soon. Perhaps your back caught a cold? In the sense that the muscles got cold (perhaps the wind got to you), which stiffen the joints, and then you pulled your back as you moved? It happens a lot, especially in the colder days


Yes possibly, I don't remember lifting anything particularly heavy or twisting awkwardly but sometimes it comes on after the event. I had an indignant mother yesterday when I asked if she could lift her rather heavy toddler into the child seat in the minibus, I swear she didn't believe me!


You need chocolate...a large glass of wine...and a slave for the weekend.

Galaxy bar? Yes Ma'am!

Get better soon😊


thanks Johnny. Yes to the choc, don't like wine, but will phone the slave market in a moment and see if I can hire a nubile young man for the weekend lol.


Hope you fee better soon! If it was me I would stay in bed, with plenty of hot chocolate, a good book and Netflix.

I know my mums back sometimes went if she had slept funny.


I am really tempted to do that but seem to remember the medics advise you to keep moving nowadays. It was dreadful when I first got up this morning but seems to be easing as I move around. (I do get up every 20 minutes or so from the computer and walk around lol!)


Lynibis ahh didn't realise that movement was good for back pain. Glad it has eased up a bit though. Hopefully you are better tomorrow so you can make the most of one of your days off


You need to move around more even if it hurts so that it will get better! Sitting still is the worst for a bad back. Of course you need to have rest too so even balance. Hope it gets better soon and take all the pain killers to help get yourself moving again!


Thank you, I thought that was the case but will certainly enjoy some leisure too.


I am really sorry to hear this - it can happen when you inhale and doesn't have to be a result of exertion. Don't know if I can explain this well enough in a comment but this will help if you can manage to do the exercise. Standing position - lean forward and put palms flat on a surface (lower than a kitchen worktop if poss because it's too high) gently push against the surface while gently arching your back. If done gently and carefully it will take the kinks out of your back. Sounds like it will be a quiet weekend for you. There's always that subject that you need to get really acquainted with and make notes on..... I will try to look out for your activity today and keep you busy. ps......... Noose, snake Outlander????? Oh my!


Ha ha, thanks angemski. Actually I automatically felt I wanted to do the above as I was waiting for kettle at the time and so used the worktop, I will do again with something lower (but very stable!) in a short while. I must admit I showed a bit of Outlander for the friend who came for lunch the other day and it made me want to start watching again from the beginning. But maybe Richard wins this time!


Lynibis oh no 😞 x hope you feel better soon x 🍫💐


Ah, thank you Tina. And thank everyone for their kind comments, what a lovely bunch you all are🍫 🌻 🥂


Oh dear !!! Hope you feel better soon

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