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Help - Why Do I Have a Posting Limit?

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LatestDeals.co.uk seeks to be a community of deal hunters finding and sharing the very best deals. We seek quality over quantity and the intention of our point rewards is to give back to those who help us achieve this.

Every account has a limit on the number of posts that can be published and this number may change (up or down).

If your account is limited, i.e. You can't post as many as normal, it is probably due to the quality of deals posted.

Please note:

  • You cannot post affiliate links
  • You cannot post if you are company
  • You cannot post if you are self-promoting
  • You cannot post if you are trying to make money
  • You cannot post if you are not in the UK

Please read for more information:

To fix the issue the first step is to read our guidelines.

Other factors may also include:

  • Variety of deals

Your account may be limited if you post the same product over and over. For example, if Debenhams has a dress sale and you post each dress individually rather than to the main dress sale page. Or, if a product has different variations and you post each separately. Or, if you seem to post products from the same place over and over. Quality over quantity.

  • Variety of merchants

Your account may be limited if you post deals exclusively from the same retailer or seller. For example, the same eBay seller, Amazon seller, or single page on a retailer's website. If every day you're posting multiple books from the Waterstones sale page, for example, rather than just once to the Waterstones sale page, your account may be limited. Quality over quantity.

  • Multiple accounts

Your account may be limited if you are suspected to have multiple accounts. Quality over quantity.

  • Quality Images

Your account may be limited if you repeatedly post without images, with incorrect images, or bad quality images. Latest Deals does not have the resources available to correct them and to serve a good experience to other members your account may be limited. Quality over quantity.

  • Obvious points manipulation

Your account may be limited if you are suspected of points manipulation. We give points as a reward for hard-working members who contribute to our money-saving community. It is not fair for them if others get the same points for poor quality posts that do not contribute value. Quality over quantity.

  • Are you a company?

If you are a company looking to post your own deals, please contact us.

How do I get the limit lifted?

Focus on posting a variety of high-quality deals and your account limit may be lifted again.

Difference Between Being Restricted and Banned

If you are able to login and access your profile it sounds as if your account may be restricted (for which this article applies.)

If you are unable to login and cannot find your profile, it may be that you are banned. For more information on why you may have been banned, please read here.

Technical Problem - Report a Bug

Sometimes it may not be any of the reasons above and a technical issue instead. This is often the case when the website or Latest Deals app is updated. If you feel this may be the case, please use our Contact form and select "Report a Technical Problem".

over a year ago
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