Costco 1 year membership for £33:60 with a card for a family member, £10 to spend instore, a free carrot cake, batteries, and a pack of chicken.
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Hmmm. They have certain things that can’t be purchased elsewhere though. I just tend to get bakery things from there. Their croissants and shortbreads are soo nice and soo cheap
Thanks how does this work? I normally have Costco come to work place and get a free little slice of cake and £10 voucher but that's about it. Will the reception have all the vouchers?
I'll have to find a person to buy the chicken and if lucky they can pay me as I won't have a user for it.
You purchase the Groupon and you’ll get the membership with all the extras. You’ll be getting a card for yourself, a card for a family member, a free carrot cake, £10 to spend instore, some batteries, and a chicken pack. Basically the price of the membership is the same, but what gives the £70+ RRP is all the included extras.
Normal membership price is £33.6 I don't understand ,what Groupon is discounting from £71 !!! Is this for an executive membership ?
No. It’s the normal 1 year membership but it’s got all the extras in. Normally if you were to join in Costco it would be £33:60 but with this deal, you’re getting extras with it for the same price of a normal membership. You’ll be getting a £10 voucher to spend instore, a free carrot cake which is usually around £10 I believe, a chicken pack, and Costco batteries.
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