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Dobies Potato Patio Kit

Available from Dobies

You can get this great deal by using Code SUDN1206.

This will reduce it from £24.99 to about £6.

  • This Patio Potato Kit is great for first time growers looking to start home growing without taking up too much space, and also perfect for the established grower plugging holes in their growing season and topping up their stores. Potato 'Charlotte' is a latish first early, producing good crops of medium sized oval tubers that are waxy when young and perfect hot or cold. It has good blight and scab resistance and is a great beginner variety. This kit contains 1kg of Potato 'Charlotte', 5 potato growing bags perfect for the patio, and 5 packets of Nurseryman's Choice Vegetable Seeds, giving home growers a chance to try something new or unusual this year!
  • Planting Potatoes are easy! They will yield a worthwhile crop under a wide range of conditions. Traditional winter digging incorporating well-rotted farmyard manure and trenching in more manure or fertiliser in spring undoubtedly produces the best crop but is very hard work! Why not try for reasonable yields with less effort? Loams and light soils don’t need digging. Natural organic manures or composts can be placed in contact with the seed potatoes in a shallow trench. High potash chemical fertiliser can be placed on the surface after the tubers have been buried using a trowel or a bulb planter. A potato fertiliser can be raked into the soil during seed bed preparations. Plant early varieties 7–10cm (3–4") deep, 30cm (12") apart, and about 45cm (18") between rows. Second earlies generally need a little more space while main crop varieties are traditionally planted 37cm (15") apart with 67cm (27") between rows. Large varieties like King Edward benefit from even more room, up to 45cm (18") apart. Lightly fork between the rows to loosen the soil. If planting salads and you like a lot of smaller potatoes then plant closer together, only 25cm (10") apart. For high yielding maincrop potatoes a wider drill of approximately 75cm (30") will ensure minimal exposure to light and consequential greening.
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Thank you for sharing this deal going to have ago at growing some potatoes and at this price if it doesn't work out it ok!👍👍👍


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