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The Last Guardian (PlayStation 4)

Available from Gameseek

In a strange and mystical land, a young boy discovers a mysterious creature with which he forms a deep, unbreakable bond. The unlikely pair must rely on each other to journey through towering, treacherous ruins filled with unknown dangers. Experience the journey of a lifetime in this touching, emotional story of friendship and trust.

An Unlikely Companion: discover a fantastical beast named Trico who will act as companion and protector, forging a bond that drives an emotional and harrowing journey.

Truly Unique Gameplay: take control of an ordinary young boy who must communicate with his gigantic companion in order to overcome obstacles and survive mysterious dangers.

A Beautiful Fantasy World: through advanced lighting and particle effects, detailed environments, and lifelike character animation, Blackbird transports players to a breathtaking world filled with crumbling ruins and mysterious secrets to discover.

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What do you think of this Gameseek deal?+20 points

Great price.


Dread It certainly is! GameSeek has been trying to beat the competition and for some products their prices are cheaper than the rest.

Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U) for example, this is priced £42.75 and the lowest price currently available from elsewhere is £34.99 (Very). If GS decides to beat Very by 5-10p it'd still be worth it because they offer free delivery.

There's some speculation that the WiiU version might receive a low to very low print making it a game already in demand but even so, there are plenty of retailers that have it up for pre-order, well, just not at at decent price (except for Very whom is selling under the RRP price).

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Tom Church, Co-Founder
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