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Pet Food Deal: 16 X Salmon Dill and Lemon Pate for Cats

Available from Approved Food

Looking for a pet food deal? Approved Food has a fantastic offer on this case of 16 Salmon Dill and Lemon Pate for cats.

Just £2.99 for the entire case, instead of the RRP of £7.20.

It's a bargain price. But there's other cat food offers from Approved Food as well.

Approved Food is a discount retailer. It sells reduced-to-clear products that are usually out of date but perfectly good. For things like tinned pet food, it's perfect.

Take a look at more pet deals here:

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Tom Church
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My cat would love this! She's just a little addicted to things with salmon in 🤣 Thanks for sharing!


Hey so I'm new to pet food deals as I don't have one, and was a bit unsure on this - is it genuinely a good deal? What would be like, the ultimate pet food deal?


Tom That's a pretty good deal for cat food, I'd say.

I don't know the "Aveve" brand myself, but as an example, own label cat food trays or pouches are typically about 12 for £3. Sometimes there are 2 for £5 deals, so you might get 24 for £5. Sheba (a more "luxury" brand) trays of cat food (which typically are only 85g, rather than 100g) are 7 or 8 trays for £3. Sometimes you can get 24 for £8.

Cans work out cheaper generally because there's more in them (400g usually at 6 cans for £2.50-£3 of the regular stuff, or £2+ per can for the same size or about £0.50 a small can (about 85g again) for more luxury food).

So I'd say getting 16 trays for £2.99 is a pretty good deal - it's like getting a third extra in trays for free. 😄

As for the ultimate pet food deal... I'd think a buy one get one free or half price type deal would probably be the best on meat/wet food, because it's rare you see it that low even. Dry food on the other hand you do get half price from time to time on some brands, but that's still a pretty good deal too.

I hope that helps!


cocolgooh brilliant thank you. I know a lot of LD members have pets, so would love to get more pet deals posted. If you spot anything, please do share it and help me get it going! 😸


Tom I'm glad that helped. 👍 If I see anything I'll be sure to post it! It'd be good to see more pet deals around.

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