Pampers Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants: powerful protection like you’ve never seen!
Did you know that 500,000 children aged 5-16 are prone to bedwetting in the UK? Or that 82%1 of children who experience bedwetting have never attended a sleepover party, with embarrassment being the main reason?
We’re here to smash the taboo around night-time bedwetting. As part of a 2,000-strong group of Squaddies, we’ll spread the message to parents and children that they’re not alone on the bedwetting journey and that there is support out there. We’ll bust some bedwetting myths, share useful assets, tips and our own experiences, as well as coupons, to give parents the tools they need to support their little champion every step of the way, especially over the busy holiday season.
Apply now!
What makes Pampers Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants special?
Pampers Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants are super absorbent night-time underwear designed for children aged 4-12. They are secure, discreet, and with the new designs of hearts and spaceships, they look just like regular underwear! They’re dermatologically tested, approved by Oeko-Tex and available in a choice of designs. What’s more, they:
Contain Instant Absorption Technology, which absorbs wetness instantly for up to 12h of leakage protection
Feature a 360° Formfit Belt that flexes and stretches to fit older kids
Are made with QuietCloth Material to minimise noise for a super-discreet experience
Your Squad Goals
As a parent, carer or healthcare professional, it’s your goal to get the word out there that bedwetting is not unusual among older children. Let’s break the bedwetting taboo and let other parents know Pampers Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants can support parents and children’s confidence! Together we will…
Test – Put Pampers Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants to the test
Share – Share our experiences with parents to break the taboo around bedwetting. We’ll also give them an opportunity to claim coupons for Pampers Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants, so they have one less thing to worry about during the festive season!
Review – Leave an online review to let other parents know that the tools and support to empower their children is available.
Posting – And, if you’re interested in the topic and you’d be open to break the bedwetting taboo online, you can also join to take part and bust some bedwetting myths by sharing important info with your friends and followers.
What you’ll receive:
For you and your child:
2x packs of Pampers Ninjamas Bedwetting Pyjama Pants
A project leaflet with all the info you need to break the taboo
To share with parents who are also on the bedwetting journey:
10x product leaflets
Interested? Then apply now.
You must be a registered member on, as well as a member of the Pampers Squad to apply for our projects.
sunshinemum xx
Oh noooooo!! I wonder if you've got the bug I've just had, I don't know where on earth it came from, I like to think I'm quite healthy, and actually can't remember the last time I had a cold or anything, but OMG this really knocked me for 3 days, feeling ill wasn't the word!
JoTarpley xx hope you're better now, could be the same bug, it was terrible, first kids were getting it one by one, then it was my turn, now it's hubby..
I’m glad you have shared this .. thank you. I shall show to my friend whose currently having issue like this with her young boy .. thank you
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