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Do You Bulk Buy Anything?


Do u have certain items that u bulk buy if so what are they ... do u do it to save money or save time or another reasons .... we buy our toilet rolls as cheaper in bulk and sugar coz its cheaper in bnm than our tesco

over a year ago
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Hi jojo I buy bulk toilet roll. Kitchen roll. Washing powder. Dog treats, budgie food., shower gel. Shampoo , this I do around every 6 months or so. It's a lot cheaper. And my food shop I do once a month. And I've save a lot of money doing it this way. My friends laugh at me because I do it this way. They shop weekly. I told them they spend more money then me. But they can't see it. I find bulk buying is for me. I want for nothing. And I am not running out of things. And now again I can have a few treats. But I can only do it if I bulk buy. Oh and I for got i all so buy tea, coffee, and powder milk in bulk has well, 🦄


I'll buy almost anything that isn't perishable in quantity if it saves money and I know will be used - I've plenty of storage space and the things stored are better than money in the bank.


We argue over this i think more of our stuff should be bought in bulk but she gets stressed if the back room all covered in items but id sooner have the stuff in .


Shurrup lol we got our dishwasher tablets and comfort n dog biscuits plus loo rolls so we done good xx


just toilet role really and I keep a basics food cupboard with things such as pasta rice tinned tomatoes beans peas that sort of thing so I can still feed us if there is not much in


I only buy bulk only if it's absolutely cheaper than buying smaller quantities.




chelseaturpin good concept. It would help create a better chance for us to spare on a weekly basis. I myself go to the supermarket after work and sometimes I could find for instance a nice steak near the 10 pound mark and when I get there, there's nothing on the shelves prior to all this covid-19 problem. The problem is more evident now, I buy mince often for ease of cooking and variety of dishes and for the past 2 weeks I found it maybe twice and I go once every 2 days to the supermarket as a reference...

I like to bulk buy eggs as we use them a lot in my house hold as well as some Reese's sweets if on a good sale, some kinds of meats and pizzas if the ones we get drop in price. My concept of bulk buy is buying between 3 and 6 of each of these products.


There's a lot recent thread about bulk buying you could have added this to - this is a year old thread. But yes, limits are good and needed at the moment, but long term, no.


I don't think per customer is fair. For example I live alone and what I may need only one of a family will need more. For example I know someone who has a husband with Covid19, one natural child, one adopted child and 3 foster children. It would be crazy if I were allowed the same amount as her for 7 people. She wanted 6 jacket potatoes but was only allowed 2! I have made it clear to the family of 4 next door that they must ask if they need anything and if I have it, they can have it but how can we help if we are isolated and live far away from those who need it?

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