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Christmas Shopping


Has anyone started for this coming Christmas x don't jump through my fone n strangle me lolol .... ive bought few bits and we put our first money away for the month of jan x plus saving our change x if we didnt do this then our kids wouldnt be allowed half what they get xx

over a year ago
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Hi jojo I think you right to put money away and do your Christmas shopping now. I was think of doing this the other day. It's a good Ida. Because it will come around a again so enough . And with money being tight it will help. Things are just to dear now. I was thing of opening a postal account and putting a bit of money in there. It would help at the other end. And by buying your Christmas gift throw out the year all so helps. Then come December you have Notting to pay for or get. Then that gives you extra for food. This is what I am going to do. I know it will help me. I am doing up my home. This year so money will be very tight. Hope you are keeping ok 🦄🦄


Good idea as there might be some bargains to be had!


I read somewhere that a lady saved her £5 notes each time she got one in her change. So that's my new years resolution to save up for next Christmas, and try not to 'borrow' it when I'm short of cash


I saved 300quid in change last year plus 300 by putting 30 quid away each month except for jan n dec xx but ive put 30 away already x n also got few pressies out sales xx


Hi jojo that's a very good Ida. But you got a shock when you counted up the lose charge. I know I am going to emity my purse of charge. And start to save . I've got no Christmas gifts yet but looking. It's my partners birthday to day I've got him something nice. A thick warm fleece. We're he lives he needs it. 🦄🦄

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