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Does Anyone Else Try to Stay Away from Being a Sheep?

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For example, everyone wanted the iphone when it came out. Made me want it less. I got a HTC phone. Now I'm on Samsung.

I like to steer away from just following the crowd when it comes to things like this.

Anyone else feel the same?

over a year ago
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What is the model of your Samsung phone. I have a iPhone but I have never spent more than £250 for a brand new smart phone and will definitely not pay over £1000 for the latest iPhone. Lots of people buy the latest smartphones when they first come out Samsung Galaxy and the new Apple iPhones are the most popular which can be sold out within the first hour of being released.


Samsung S8 I think it is. I would also never pay for the most up to date. I am usually about a year or 2 behind. I also don't upgrade every time I'm due, but the past couple times, I have had to because I dropped it too much haha


Honestly I've always just bought a phone with the features i need and Samsung has always ticked the boxes for me, I'm currently using a note 9 and it's the best purchase I've made 🙂


I like iPhones, but I'm not one of the fanatics that queue outside the Apple store on every new release date to be one of the first to get their hands on the latest model. I try to use the same phone for a number of years.


I hate following the crowd and have always been my own me. If I wanted a certain sort of phone I’d get it because I want it not cuz others have or dont have it. I’m certainly not a follower of anyone 😊


And these "influencers" on social media just make me not want the product they are endorsing. I would have to do my own research as to if it's effective or right for me.


What do you think about mrs hinch? I only looked on her insta a few times. Basically She has a clean house and it's like a showroom. But everyone knows how to bloody clean don't they? Yet she has a million followers??


This woman irritates me - why people have put her on a pedestal baffles me. When the country went mad for the Pink Stuff I stood still mouthing 'what the ...?'. It's one of many cleaning pastes that have been on the market for years and there is no 'miracle' with them just slight abrasion. When she 'basically' and 'literally' instructs me how to clean I have to switch off. Here's my top tip - anything greasy in your kitchen? Use Hob Brite - an amazing non-abrasive cleaner for £1. 😁


I have never even seen a picture of her, never mind watched her! Lol..

What baffles me the most is the fact that people have to rely on a stranger on the internet to tell them how to clean their house!! Isn't it one of those things that supposed to come naturally?? Like common sense? Haha.

It's funny because people rush out to buy something, just because someone on the internet told them to..

The whole if someone tells you to jump of a bridge, would you do it? comes to mind. 🙈


I just cannot justify paying that much for a phone. I am on Android and have a Motorola at the moment. I got it for a bargain price of £139.

For those buying/using the Apple iPhones most users seemed to be delighted with the product functionality so if it floats your boat then why not.

But here's the thing... I am simply not wed to my phone as I see many people are these days. I like to live in the moment and enjoy things around me. Yes, I will always want to have a phone but there is a limit to how much time I want to spend on it, and therefore the knock on effect is how much would I really be willing to spend. Just my personal views.


I have got an iphone and i have done for years but i used to work as an apple technician for a mobile phone company so had a discount and since then ive upgraded to iphones. I never have the latest one though as the older model is cheaper.


No I’m not a person who has to have the latest new bit of technology. We have a friend that we refer to as gadget man as he always has to have the latest bit of tech whether an iPhone, Alexa thingy or boiled egg machine.

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