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How Can We Tackle the Housing Crisis in Our Country?

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I think it is safe to say that there is currently a housing crisis in the country and I wanted to ask what they think is the solution to solving the problem ?1 of the ideas I saw this week was that the newest tower in Birmingham which will make it the tallest replacing the BT Tower is completely going to be rental only and no flats are going to be for sale .

What do you think should be done to sort the housing crisis?

7 months ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

Stop letting people in to the country as harsh as it is something has to be done start looking after our own


Leannexxx I have read something pretty good which isn't going to solve the problem but Prince William is going to build some homes for homeless people down in Cornwall .

www.localgov.co.uk/Prince-William-announces-24-homes-for-homeless-people/58878 .


stuartsmith544 yeah I read that to but that's not gonna do anything yes there is homeless but there is families waiting on a list that can't afford private so have to use social housing the waiting list on that in my area alone is 16 years


Leannexxx Without getting political, yeah, this about wraps it up.


stuartsmith544 Ha. Only 24 homes for homeless people??????? DBS and reference required???unemployed welcome!!!! In five-10 years' time??? Prince William is not convincing to me.


jam45 to get a dbs you need proof of address for the last 10 years. Proof of identity


Leannexxx Absolutely 💯 just what I would have said. Way to many people in our country and as you say we need to look after our own


sallylester1 i know it's harsh but it needs to be done jobs are limited to


Stop selling off council property and making more social housing would be a small start I guess.Rent capping would help some as well.


50,000 buildings are demolished in the UK per year and a sizeable percentage of those are strong re-usable buildings that could be cheaply re-developed into small flats as starter homes for people. We need to think about how to achieve the goal of more homes for a lower cost and once we have these assets we must never sell them. Maybe councils should release the same size area of land for re-development elsewhere for their owners so these buildings can be taken charge of, it would save on demolition costs for their owners. Thatcher sold off council stock cheaply and now every year £2000 of every working person's tax is used to pay the £50 billion that is paid to private landlords for people who need rent support. £50 billion is a staggering figure and is adding hugely to our debt pile. The government needs to start owning assets rather than selling assets as a quick fix.


There’s just too much population. People can’t seem to afford housing but they can afford six kids somehow. We saved up a deposit for a home while renting in the meantime. There’s too much building going on removing all our healthy natural green spaces everywhere becoming a concrete jungle. Too many illegal immigrants coming in followed by their whole families but they seem to get housed over here for some reason instead of a tent like France. Original residents here are being overtaken by foreigners and they let it happen. I’m not against legal working foreigners, they are welcome. But where is the ‘crisis’ coming from?


JLouM Again totally agree


Can I ask when the council house homes were sold off and then not replaced was a start of those problems that exist now but is there any people also think that as soon as someone proposes to build somewhere that a nimby comes out and says sorry you can't build there and that being another reason for why there isn't enough homes being built.


stuartsmith544 When I moved in 20 years ago it was amongst lovely farm fields and walks. Now there is a huge housing estate and no fields left then to the side there are about 8 blocks of 4 storey flats being built. Up the road there is another huge housing estate being built around what used to be a lovely quiet and quaint picturesque village. Well that image is gone. We have two farm fields left where they still farm and they STILL want that as well. If that makes me a nimby well yes why should everything be spoiled? What happens with no farming? No food!! Also it all contributes to all these flooding incidents because of the demand and redirecting of watercourses.


If the government allowed building to make more use of underground excavating, and allowing social housing tenents to buy their homes,then there would be plenty of greenfield sites that the rest of the population can enjoy. As well as very small amounts, of homeless people.


Another problem with building new houses is flooding , they only increase this , but ask me the solution and i would say i dont know

We are only a small island compared to other major countries so there will come a time when there will be no spaces left to build , only greenbelt and even that is being diminished by building


telmel At some point we are going to have to look at Japan who have a very high population density they have tackled many of these problems and so we can learn from them. Ultimately though we must stop immigration almost completely. Global warming is going to be a nightmare for hotter countries and there will be a huge exodus away from such countries and we have to control our borders now. We have to run a balanced ecological society and produce all our own food. Countries like France have far lower population densities but countries like Canada, Australia and the USA have much lower population densities again. It is completely unrealistic to expect a country like the UK to keep increasing its population we need to reduce to about 40 million which is a sustainable population for this country.

People in Japan have very small homes, often small flats or tiny houses and if we keep increasing our population we will need to live in smaller and smaller accommodation and then perhaps get to the point like Soylent Green where people simply don't own property and just sleep on the streets or anywhere they can find because only the rich minority have homes. I'd certainly recommend a watch of Soylent Green if you want to prepare for what is going to happen in the coming decades with the possible exception of old people being made into biscuits.


I have seen the film B , it is very close to the bone


Our councils are having to find homes and shelter for the illegal immigrants. Those costs eat into their budgets so they can not afford to build homes. More decent sized family homes are needed but builders know they can make more profit building executive properties.


Pjran I honestly think it will be a long time before the government can afford to build homes in large numbers. At the moment its very low numbers and I can see that reducing even further. The debts are mounting up and before we get to a full fledged economic crash the government will try reducing their spending.


BonzoBanana it’s not just council houses that are desperately needed, private properties too.


Pjran The thing is there is a growing underclass that will never be able to afford their own home or get a mortgage and we certainly don't want to continue with councils paying rent to private landlords that has to stop. The private properties situation could be sorted by returning to the rates system which would making larger properties more expensive to own and stop people having cheap second homes. It would be a strong incentive to convert larger properties into smaller homes like flats. Many of our housing problems started with the abolishment of the rates system. The only thing abolishing the rates system did which was positive was reduced costs of home ownership for the rich and allowed them more easily to have multiple homes. However going to the council tax system massively added to collection costs, meant people and builders were not motivated to build smaller low cost homes and meant housing costs were a far higher percentage of poorer people's income. Smaller properties now disproportionately subsidise higher value properties.

Watched this video yesterday which admittedly is designed around shock value but shows the real situation in many urban areas now. We need to understand there is an economic crisis which we have caused ourselves not just politicians but the people of this country who export so much of their income. It's pointless acting like we can just build new houses when there is £150k of debt for every single person in this country which has to be dealt with over the long term. We need to accept huge austerity is coming but at least work to a plan that will recover the economy in the future.


BonzoBanana although the rates system changed there are still several bands charging larger properties more.


Pjran There is but they are relatively close in cost to smaller properties. The Rates system was much more closely linked with the value of property so a much larger property would pay a lot more in rates. As it is at the moment, a large property in a very low council tax area pays less council tax than a small property in a very high council tax area.


Decently maintained damp mould free etc in an ideal world you'd have what you need access to education work and garden safe parking. Council is corrupt staff trick lie intimidate you name it and its not just inner city boroughs. Such a sore point as I've dealt with a slumlord and his family via kingston for years its a joke ginally can move can't afford near by especially for education


Well as the birth rate in the UK is now lower than it was say 40 years ago, and there has been a massive amount of new housing built in many areas, the issue has to come back to immigration.


Mango4 where are these houses? In my area they said affordable housing then the council sold them off the rent is 2k a month 🤣 now the council is building block of flats but saying no one under the age of 12 can live in them


Leannexxx Everywhere you look in my area there are New estates being built , so the houses are being built and are being occupied by someone, I agree thou the cost to buy or rent is atrocious , yet the houses are being occupied as fast as they are built.


Mango4 that's good for your area but nothing like that is happening here


Mango4 Occupied fast because firstly many are sold before they even lay a brick, and secondly I do believe that at least 30% are offered to a local council. People buying flats should check how many will be offered to a council before committing to buy.


Make sure there is affordable housing being built and not just luxury housing which is out of reach for most people.


Stop immigration, local housing for local people only, we don't have room for anymore, yes we are absolutely in crisis and not just housing


Many people here blame immigrants for a housing crisis. Are you related to Nigel F? 😜

Sorry to tell you this but the problem was created by Brits itself. Government created generations of people which simply don't want to work as the have money shoved at them and that's why people started to come here for work.

Let's not compare hard working immigrants with lazy bums which main purpose was to come and they already knew on which door to knock to have all sort of support offered including social houses and benefits.

It makes me cringe when same people shouted to stop immigration but don't want to work. British jobs for British people - fair enough plenty work in agriculture, hospitality, cleaning or transport. Last year food rotted in the fields as local workers didn't want to do it. That's the reason people came here to fulfill the positions.

Councils should simply start checking their tenants sitting on benefits and doing nothing, and if they can work then they should. This is the easiest possible way to do it.

Stop immigration which will rely on benefit system and do not work, do not stop immigration. Put Australian point based system in place.

Housing crisis - Government had help to buy in place with small deposits. New flats are still build.

I believe that someone should teach how to save money as many people have no savings whatsoever. I see this to often when parents still helping their offspring with finances, even though they do work and earn decent. Mums and dads buying new washing machines, tumble driers etc. etc. Simply stop as they will milk you out until you are dead and then will still get your house/savings.

  1. SebK84 I agree with you 100%. There are good immigrants with skills or willing to do unpopular jobs that the British people don't want to do. And not forgetting the nuisances who turn up without any documents wanting free money and housing. And don't get me started on the number of takeaways ordered via mobile phone, tattoos, acholic consumption, cigarettes by British people. If these people were not squandering their cash irrationally, they would have a lot of money saved.

jam45 Yep, stick them and their 4 kids in a 1 bedroom flat and put them on bread and water 🙄


SebK84 We have to stop immigration simply because over-population leads to poverty they are directly linked. Japan is one of the few countries that has managed to do well and maintain a good standard of living with a high population density although the size of their living accommodation is pretty tiny with most are in very small flats. The population density of the UK is greater than China and many other so called high population density countries. Where there are factories like Nissan in Sunderland their efficiency is world class however sterling is over-valued. It is cheaper for us to holiday abroad than holiday in the UK such is the high value of sterling and we have a minimum wage that also makes producing goods expensive in this country.

Immigration is not the solution it is the problem and we need to focus on running our economy well and return to a trading surplus and living within our means. If we need to import seasonal workings for farms etc then we should do so on favourable terms for our economy i.e. exclude such people from the minimum wage and they are only permitted here for the time of such work rather than offer them long term citizenship and access to services like the NHS. This is common elsewhere in the world.

We lost our factories and do less farming not because people decided to be lazy and live on benefits simply because those factories and farms became less competitive. We joined a free market with countries with much lower costs and therefore couldn't compete and on top of that China came in as a manufacturing super power. We lost our independence and ability to control our own borders. Now that we have it back its ridiculous to see that the Conservative government is pursuing free trade agreements with other countries instead of controlling trade to allow for more homegrown manufacturers. We are a tiny country who cannot compete head on with the world especially with our much higher costs.


BonzoBanana Unfortunately I, personally, cannot see any benefits of Brexit. Prices are through the roof, as you said the UK produces almost nothing. Traveling is more complicated. The government stopped EU workers from coming here but instead made trade deals with countries from outside the Union and now has plans to offer work in hospitality, care, construction and agriculture to Channel migrants. As I said previously the main problem is the laziness of some people who rely on the welfare system too much and that's the real culprit.


SebK84 The reason the UK produces much less than it used to is because we joined the EU and couldn't compete in it and also had to pay for the privilege. Many brands moved factories to mainland Europe as it was cheaper to manufacture there and there was no problem importing those products into the UK with a free market. Lots of British companies went to the wall as it was much more expensive to manufacture here. On average we paid a net £7 billion a year for EU membership that is the net figure when you take out the money coming from the EU to the UK. It's money we never had so we borrowed it and with compound interest that is something like £600 billion of debt we now have to repay. Of course we didn't always borrow the Conservatives sold assets like houses and utilities to prop up the government accounts.

The fact we left doesn't mean all the factories return in a puff of smoke and we don't have to pay the £1.8 Trillion of debt we owe. These are still huge burdens to our economy and then of course Covid hit and we had all those extra debts on top, then a war in Ukraine which further impacted the world economy.

I don't agree with them over their aims but the tax payer's alliance calculated the true debt in this country per citizen and at the time it was £143K for every single person from baby to pensioner but now its close to £150k as that calculation was a few years old. That is government debt, pension liabilities, other liabilities, quantitive easing etc.

We now have 1/3rd of doctors born abroad, many will have financial commitments outside the UK so this is hugely damaging to our finances. This is just one small element of immigration.

It's clear the current economic mentality in this country has failed. We have to return to a trading surplus and live within our means without borrowing.

A IMF bailout is probably coming which will mean far greater levels of austerity and probably trade tariffs to protect our economy.

The idea we can just continue sending money to Europe, running a huge trade deficit and with high immigration is just utter economic madness.

We are not alone though France has similar debts to us and other countries have different financial issues, some higher debts but a higher NIIP rating, some lower debts but a terrible NIIP rating etc. There are lots of problems with the economies of Europe.


We need to build council house or house and flats that we can afford also we need to start looking after the o.a.p.s if we had better housing for them it would free up bigger house and could even help with the nhs crisis as they could get back to the all on a level homes quicker


There definately needs to be more social housing builds where I live, and less swanky apartments etc. I read today online in our local newsletter( Belfast Live) that it cost the council here over £20 million to put homeless people etc into hotels/ b n bs etc. Absolutely ridiculous money spent for accomodation that nobody can call home. Yet our Nhs waiting lists are so long, and there's so much waste ground the NIHE or other landlords could potiently build on to help solve the homeless housing crisis. There also are never enough bungalows etc available for the elderly and disabled too.


Did anyone watch the national news tonight at 18.30 on ITV? I was beyond shocked that since 2021 there has been 55 children in temporary housing have actually DIED whihch is beyond shocking and should then generate change and some of the problems which currently exist.

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