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Good Diets?


I really want to start losing weight and generally be healthier, can anyone recommend any good websites that have tips on how to do it, or any good diets that people do?

over a year ago
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Try cutting sugar out, x


my grand-mother was diabetic so I can give you afew idea's

(and some are my own by experience which my grandma would never eat but are still healthy for those without


if you use sugar use brown sugar and very little!, or none at all no white sugar, you need

natural sugar in your body but

also you get natural sugar from fruits and few vegetables BUT don't always eat sweet fruits and vegetables

it maybe natural and your body needs it but it will

increase your sugar levels... you need to balance the diet.

Also you can use natural honey instead of sugar..

There are fruits and vegetables, that are plain or sour or bit bitter, so what ever you prefer, eat those..

Like potatoes, Karela, Brussel spouts, green beans, grapefruit.

When eating meat if you do, eat lean meat or less fat meat..

Sorbets are more natural then icecream less sugar specially lemon flavour, but only eat on a one off

like a treat every 2-3 months.(or smoothies ice lollies)

or jelly with no sugar or less.

Eat mostly fruits , if you do ever use cheese use the less fat ones but don't eat it regularly,

eat brown bread or whole meal bread.

vegetable pasta, whole meal or brown pasta/rice

low sugar ketchup, tomato puree, squash ..

Juice is best from concreted because no added sugar is added it needs to be 100%pure

smoothies also helps you eat les, as it thick and can fill you up.

if you can't stand it use squash with less sugar.

Also fish is good specially salmon, mackerel, herring

Sardines(no added salt if tinned)

use sea salt as its healthier, natural, BUT put very LITTLE in your food

like I said balance the diet eat more of the healthy stuff regularly

nothing wrong with a treat on a 1 off but use the stuff that are more healthy like low sugar or no added sugar.

Nuts BUT try not to eat peanuts they have a lot of fat, it's natural fat BUT a lot is no good

I would advice try to hardly eat any.

ready meals are not healthy

there are healthy ones try not to eat it too much of them either...

if you like a take away I would advice to hardly eat any,

DON'T miss your breakfast because that actually makes you more hungry you need food

when you get up you need energy.

Healthy cereals,

try eating fruits in the morning(I do)

Porridge is good for you put add honey or very little sugar.

Don't always fry stuff some stuff you can bake, grill, boil

If you need to use oil use very little as possible sunflower is one of the more healthy ones

most healthy is 100% virgin olive oil, try using that most of the time,

I use it in salads, I've use it when making pancakes, omelettes by the way don't eat a lot of eats eggs.

When roasting chicken take skin off, it has too much fat...

I could go on but by the time to get the hang of it, you will be ale to do much more

without anyone's help....

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