Have You Made a Will? Who will raise your kids?
Before retirement i was a registration officer and have registered thousands of deaths. Very quickly i realised how important it was to have a Will because not everyone lives to a ripe old age. I made my first one in my 30s and ended up making one with a professional willmaker. After the initial drawing up of the will I now pay a modest sum yearly for it to be kept in her fireproof safe and this also allows me to change/rewrite as often as I like at no extra charge. I advise anyone who hasn't done so to write their will, especially if they have young children so they can specify who should raise them.
This is something I really want (need) to do, it's been made more of a realisation recently with my brother in law passing away unexpectedly at the age of 45 having not left a will and its been a bit of a nightmare to say the least getting his estate/death in service/beneficiaries sorted. We've also know 2 other people who've passed away over the last year and they were both in their 30s so it really makes me want to get it sorted. I don't own much so that wouldn't really be an issue but my partner and I have been together for 15 years - unmarried - which I have read this doesn't automatically mean he will get everything, we have 3 young children too and don't have any plans to marry so i do need to put something down in writing!
PinkElephant26 the law may have changed since I retired but when I worked as a Registrar it was the case that in the event of an unmarried mother's death the father does not have an automatic right to the children, her parents do. Now please do not take this as gospel. Same for house, goods unless the surviving partner has joint ownership.
There are specific people who do will writing so it is quite easy to get it done jointly, my partner and I did one for about £39 but that was about 18 years ago. They also give you a copy and keep original in fire proof safe for a modest yearly fee.
As I said please check my info as it could be well out of date now.
Lynibis I am going to look into it ASAP because there is some law about unmarried couples with children but I'm not 100% sure what it says.
I've had a will since I had my first child, fast forward many years and I still update it every couple of years or when needed, so important.
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