Margaret Thatcher
well the iron lady is being considered for her face to be on one of our notes in our money ... they say its for her contributions to her country ... sorry all i ever think about when i hear her name is closures of industries in our country two of our main ones where the mining industry and our steel works , sorry but i dont think she would deserved to be remembered in this way. eave that for the people that did good in our country not bring millions to loose their jobs
First I've heard about it, but I can see this becoming quite controversial as people seem to either have loved her or hated her. x
Some people may not like her but she deserves to be remembered and be on whatever the govt wants.
Technically she is eligible, but the Bank of England are looking for a scientist (who is no longer alive) to be on the £50 note. Thatcher had a Chemistry Bachelor of Science degree, but is obviously better known for politics. She would be too much of a divisive figure to be considered.
Well if that is so I can think of no one better than Stephen Hawking and I feel sure not many folk could find an objection to him.
I agree. She was responsible for more bad than good. Not only what you mentioned but selling off of council housing. Now we hardly have any and an ever growing population who cannot afford to buy their own home. Greedy landlords (not all) are charging sky high rents and not keeping the maintenance up to date. I think being first female pm went to her head and she wanted to make her mark. Sadly she did not think through all the consequences. I, for one do not want to see her on banknotes.
Didn't know about this until now thanks for informing us. I agree about the rents being too expensive these days... Usually the ones who can afford the extravagant rents in the city centres are usually rich foreigners.
The mining and steel industry closed because China makes these things much cheaper, but I think they closed some of these places in the last years under T. May....may she will be more damaging and remembered in the World than anyone else in UK politics before
For what it's worth she did a great job of what was able to be done and thought best during that time period. She couldn't or anyone else have predicted the future economic climate we live in today.
She also was the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century and the first woman.
Would rate 10/10!
I always defer to another's opinion, we all think differently, but as the world population more than doubled in the last 100 years I think it was pretty obvious that housing would be a major need looking ahead.
rids57 i was referring to my comment above about Thatcher selling off council housing stock and, more to the point, giving a privileged few a huge windfall at the same time. I personally think councils should be buying up empty rotting buildings and instead of trying to make money from the rich get government employed builders to turn them into adequate homes to rent or buy. As we move more into online shopping the empty shops which will never be used as such again, should also be turned into living accommodation. Should be quite cheap to do as the structure is already there.
lynnibis just a note in case anyone wonders, I lived through her premiership from my late 20s to late 30s
rids57 good at maths lol! Most of the empty stores round here were rented by the council anyway so they must own or part own. If they can no longer be used for their purpose they would be going cheap. better than sitting empty. Alongside the NHS and education, housing must be up there with the most important thing to spend taxpayers money on.
rids57 yeah the side of a bus thing. You can shave a couple of years off that lol.
I didn't vote and I will tell you why. I am not super intelligent and know a bit about many subjects and a lot about a few. However, I did not have a crystal ball and I had no idea whether we would be better off staying or leaving. I therefore did not feel comfortable voting on something I was ignorant of and I don't mean to sound offensive but I feel half the population had no more idea than me. The politicians and best brains in the country cannot agree so how am I meant to know? I believe a lot of the vote was generational, youngsters remain, olduns leave and that says to me that people wanted to either stay with what they know, or go back to what they knew. And many just voted on the basis of silly arguments like straight or curved cucumbers and as you said, promise of more money to spend as we wish. The biggest joke would appear to be that even if we aren't worse off we will not be significantly better off either. In my humble opinion there should never have been a public vote.
rids57 I hear you, but balance that with all the other decisions made by our politicians where we had no say................though I admit this was a big one.
I am all for democracy but the very nature of it causes more problems than it solves. It seems to me that each party wants to denigrate the others, dish dirt on their rivals and they will never support anything, even something good, if it was another party's idea. They backstab and gloat, seem to have few morals and many are corrupt. Are there any altruistic politicians? I don't believe there are. They are mostly old boy network and in it for power, kudos and money. They don't have to walk among the homeless, wait for nhs ops and they all have private education. Stick them in a high rise flat, suffer while awaiting medical aid, and give their kids a no hope future and they would soon change their outlook. Really good to debate with you rids, don't have anyone to talk to so this has been nice, thanks.
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