News Today, Being Fat/thin is Lots to Do with Genes.
Well did we need a study to tell us this? Yes, some people are gluttons and never exercise but there are plenty of people who eat no more than their slim peers and yet become overweight. I was slim until I had my kids and make myself miserable by always feeling guilty if i eat something with too many calories. And yet others can ram down the cream cakes and other goodies and stay thin.
Of course humans are victims of their genes just as genes determine hair colour, height, beauty, and a lot of hereditary diseases. Luckily I do not present as obese but if I were to be the weight for my height i would have to watch every single mouthful and that is a miserable way to live.
Hi lynnibis i am getting fed up with people telling me i should eat this and not that. The other day it say a cook breakfast was bad for you 3 days later i read its good for you. I do not see these people change there eating habbits. And some a are large in size. So who are they to tell me what to eat. I've just lose over a stone in Wight. But I do not go with out. If I want a fish supper I will have it. If you were to do what they say you would never eat. Because it seem to me that all food is bad for you. With what they are telling us. So I say eat what you want it's your body. And now again have treats.
Life is short... i eat what i want.... the only exercise i get is chasing 3 lively grandkids around and walking my 3 boistrous dogs. Im on the chubby size of large and will never look beautiful in a bikini but I really don’t stress about it. Yes if there was a magic pill to make me slim and toned I’d be the first to take it but there isn’t and quite honestly I’m happy to stay like I am and not spend my life going to the gym eating lettuce that I cant stand
yeah i undertstand what u are saying but be happy with yourself i hate the word obise or fat i am still same person inside
nicolajaynehend nipperjwb SusanEaston327 You are all absolutely right of course and at my age I don't fret too much about how I look although I look after myself. I do have to be careful though because of the D2 and I feel it is enough that I have given up sugar.
No, it means your jeans are too small! I have loads of too small clothes lol. I will slim into it syndrome.
I'm plus size and exercise 6 days a week, I lift weights and generally feel good about myself! I used to get upset that despite eating relatively healthy I can't lose weight. I now focus on what I can do rather than what I can't. I love the look on people's faces when they see the fat girl can lift double what they can!! I feel like life is for living and you should enjoy it doesn't matter what size you are. I have treats. My eldest daughter is very active but still overweight but a black belt in karate. My middle is very thin despite eating more than the eldest iv suspected for a long time it must be genes!
I no longer worry too much as I know I do not over eat. I have maintained my current weight for many years and am not short so carry the weight well. I passed a group of teen girls many years back and heard one of them say 'omg, if I looked like that I would top myself'. It made me wonder what comments she made when passing really big people!
I think it is a lot to do with genes. I also read before that it's to do with your gut bacteria. Some people can eat what they like because they have good gut bacteria I blame society for allowing junk food to be advertised everywhere! I think it's actually very cruel that every bus stop has a burger advertised on it but every magazine has a thin woman. You never see a salad advertised though, that's the kind of subliminal message this country needs. Healthy food advertised everywhere
I truly believe genes have a lot to answer for. My father had thyroid problems and now 4 out of 5 of us siblings are on thyroid medication for under active thyroid. 3 of us are also D2 with one on Metformin. I take gut bacteria capsules and have an activia yoghurt every day. I have felt the positive effects. As you say we all eat so much rubbish we are not feeding the bacteria and I read that most people today have a deficit of it.
Lynibis it definitely does. My daughter was always getting chest infections and ear infections until she started actimel and a multivitamin everyday. Touch wood she's only had colds since so definitely has helped. Thyroid problems run in my family too. As far as I know I dont have an underactive thyroid yet but I definitely struggle more with my weight even with an active lifestyle.
Tasha042 Might be worth getting a blood test (if you haven't already) to check the thyroid. I pop a pill each day and although I hate taking any drugs it is a life threatening disease. The plus side is that all prescriptions are free if you take thryroid drugs (and probably any other life saving medication).
Lynibis that's really good. When my mum started taking thyroxine she lost a lot of weight as her thyroid had been very low for years and she never knew. I usually get tested every few years for it but haven't for a while. I also get tested for type 2 diabetes as I had gestational diabetes. But the dietician gave me lots of diet tips so I was fine with my second pregnancy. I've always eaten *quite* healthy since then as I don't want to get diabetes again. But i completely cut out fizzy drinks, sugary cereals and limit my white carbs and it seems to be working so far. It was absolutely awful having diabetes, it was a real struggle just to stay awake.
Good morning Lyn. As far as my weight is concerned I was fine until hitting the menopause, now it does whatever it wants, but like you I do try and look after myself and am not obese by any means - just a little larger than I would prefer to be.
Hi Tumbles, I think 'ladies of a certain age' often have a struggle with weight and to be honest I think there are far more cuddly than thin so we can give lovely cuddles lol.
Lynibis That is a very good reason why it happens, I couldn't have put it better myself.
I totally agree but it isn't the one reason to why someone's weight is how it is. I did psychology in school and the genes in a family really really can affect your weight. Such as if your grandma suffered with anorexia it can definitely affect you and it may have effected your Mother or father. Or if your family has massive obesity levels running through the genes it can show a later path in your life if you don't take good care of your self. So many levels in your genes can effect this and I just found it so so interesting. But of course this isn't the only reason to with someone is the size that they are. We ourselves can be that problem and I know pretty much myself I need to shift some weight and it's my own doing. I have a healthy line of family apart from diabetes caused from being Over weight (mostly and it's a certain type not both?) As my grandma has diabetes for being so obese baring in mind she was only 4 ft 10 and so wide. But whatever size you are theres always someone out there for you. Love yourself guys its human, nothing wrong with it❤
Good comment. I get so cross with today's society because it is only in the last few decades that such unhealthy eating has been pushed on us by big fast food chains, advertising and the lack of leisure time for cooking these days. Everyone is stressed and working hard because you can no longer live on one wage (which sometimes barely covers rent or mortgage). We contend with all that and yet on the other hand are getting government messages, health warnings etc to try and over ride the unhealthy life style we are being tempted in to. Yes, each individual is responsible for their own food intake, exercise etc but boy, it was so much easier when I was young!!
Oh yes definately. I think that healthy eating is so so so so soooooooo expensive! It's crazy! Such as slimming world! How tight for 5 pound a session to just get weighed and talk about your weight loss! I think it's all just a money making thing and it shouldn't be it should be a health gain not a money gain. The government needs to stop sending obesity threats when people can only afford to purchase such cheap food instead of being those expensive veggies and fruits.
weight is so confusing. Usually I looked skinny but weight a healthy amount. But now I look fatter (more than before) but weigh less than before. Does that even make sense?
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