The 1% Club: Bestselling Family Quiz Book
Discover if you belong to the top brainiest percentile with "The 1% Club," a quiz book inspired by the popular TV show. This engaging and inclusive book is designed for families, ensuring that anyone from an 8-year-old to an 80-year-old can participate and enjoy. Intelligence, in this quiz, is based on logic and common sense rather than academia, providing a level playing field for all participants.
At its core, the challenge consists of fifteen questions that increasingly test your cognitive skills. Start off with a question that 90% of the population can answer, and work your way up to a query that stumps all but the cleverest 1%.
Whether you're a quiz novice or a seasoned expert, this book doesn't require any prior study. You simply rely on your wits to progress.
Now priced at £8, down from £14.99, it's a perfect addition to your family game collection at a substantial discount.
️ 4.7 / 5 based on 35 reviews
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