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Get 30% off CBD Products at Vita Coco

Available from Vita Coco
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Latest Deals has worked with Vita Coco to show you this brilliant offer.

You can get 30% off CBD products at Vita Coco using code VCUK30 - they've got a curated selection of CBD infused products that are easy to adapt into your everyday lifestyle if you've been tempted to start experimenting with CBD.

If you're a fan of their iconic Coconut Oil, you can get 30% off the CBD infused version. You can use this in the kitchen for cooking or eating it raw, or use it as a nourishing skincare alternative - it's a really versatile product. Make sure you take a look at their flavoured coconut waters with CBD as well. Now is a great chance to experiment with and discover the benefits of CBD, while the products are 30% off.

Apple Ginger 20mg CBD, 330ml (12 Units) - Was £26.99 Now £18.89


Cloved Orange 20mg CBD, 330ml (12 Units) - Was £26.99 Now £18.89


Coconut Oil Infused with CBD, 250ml - Was £19.99 Now £13.99


Product Details:

This drink contains CBD. Not Recommended for Children, Pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you are taking medication and or/ have a severe medical condition, consult a doctor before use. Do not exceed 70mg per day. Not suitable for peoples under 18. Keep out of reach of children.

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What do you think of this Vita Coco deal?+20 points

Some of the cbd products out there are great. Make sure you do your homework. Thank you for sharing 😊

LD Team

No problem! 🙂


I haven’t tried any of these products before, however I have heard good things

LD Team

Coconut oil is really gentle and versatile, so if you're interested in CBD products that could be a good starting point 🙂


Have'nt heard of the infused vita coco before


This looks really interesting, will give it a try. Heard good things about CBD oil


upspatel Get extra 20% off code and free delivery / click & collect if spend over £25


As a night shift worker sometimes I can't sleep after work, a lot of stuff in my head won't let me get some shuteye, I take CBD oil pills, in around 30 mins makes me to calm down and fall asleep.


A good deal and looks interesting


I have been wanting to try some CBD products. Might give these a try. Thank you for sharing.


Great. Will send this link to my mate. Thanks for sharing


I really hate to be the guy to say it, as i know even placebo can have a great effect on people. But to make it crystal clear for everyone. If you can buy it in a shop, it has very little sometimes even no trace of CBD whatsoever. Unless your buying the crystals themselves from a reputable source (of which, there are only a few sites), then your getting ripped off. CBD hasn't been cleared for testing in the UK, even though it has been cleared for use in extreme circumstances. Such as the 2 child cases you saw in the news suffering with 100s, i repeat 100s...of seizures a day, with CBD being the only thing to calm their fragile brains down enough to give them a break in order to smile.

I suffer with Chronic Migrainosus, Epilepsy with NEAD on top of a multitude of other things that are irrelevant. I have taken proper CBD for a good few years now and have seen the benefits. But it means I also understand how much it takes to even have a tiny effect...and I'm telling you straight:- If You can buy it from a store, leave it on the floor! its just another plastic container waiting to be emptied and S*** through your system.

Find a reputable online CBD store and be prepared to pay £60+ for a small amount of crystals that will give you results. Put the crystals in a 100ml bottle of Proprolyne glycol, let them dissolve, till you can only see a few floating around when held up to the light, add some flavour if you wish. Use it as tincture, a mouthwash you swallow or put some drips in your tea.

But the best way is if your a vaper or a smoker. Put it in PG and mix it with your favourite juice until you find a sweet spot to where you have good taste and good effects.

Point being; if research isn't allowed to be done...(I know this first hand). Then there is not data to form a basis. No basis, no claim of health benefits. my nurse tried to tell me once, there is no data on cbd working for epilepsy so its all bullshit. Not realising 2 young children in the news just pooped all over her sentence and they didn't even know it. She just saw no data had been collected for the NHS (not allowed to research) and assumed it was all boll ox.

Please don't be that Nurse and please don't buy any CBD products from shops. Backed government research is not available in the UK so anyone trying to claim a health benefit is talking out their posterior. Yes private companies have steamed ahead anyway, but with their end goal being sales, can you really trust what they are saying?

And sorry for it being long, i have a passion for this and its private companies that are ruining things for a lot of people in desperate need, my family included. All to jump on the CBD band wagon to ride the cash wave...just like everything has charcoal in nowadays, when it doesn't even need it...Charcoal activated toothbrush bristles....yeah that's what the world needs, just so we can keep the fire going once its f'd after a week. Wooden handles with natural stiff fibers is how they used to be made, why cant we revert instead of having to market things as the next big planet saver just to give your product an appeal. Can the Economics of it all become a byproduct as a result? instead of its USP

If this helps one person, the last 10 mins of solid typing and making sure I didn't swear too much with anger over the exploitation of peoples needs, will be worth it


Stucutt22 Where can crystals be purchased please ?


where can i get this stucutt.


Stucutt22 thank you. I have a huge amount of health problems been told to try it but I’m wary. It works fir some not others. Tried full dope ᵃⁿᵈ it never affected me so I can’t see this doing so but I’m open to views. I do think tho £60 is way too much and you sound like a salesperson giving it a personal angle. It sounds just like a money spinner as well


lalune The Whole reason i didn't specify a product is because:

1) I do not want to be held accountable

2) I don't buy from online anymore

3) I want people to go out and research properly for themselves not just see CBD and press 'buy'

£60 was what i used to pay for a small pot of crystals from an online shop that i'm not sure if is still around. I wont even name it, because i don't endorse any products. When did you last buy CBD crystals?

Like i said, i've been on them for well over 8 years now and know exactly how much i need and what to do with it in order for it to have an effect on my health issues. But i can 100000% guarantee, if you buy a product from a store that claims it has CBD in, you're being ripped off. They wouldn't even begin to know how much to put in their product. Plus they can only allow so much due to restrictions in the UK and tolerances of a certain amount of THC getting through.

Please just trust me, i don't want to sell anyone anything. But i know people personally who've fell victim to this, with the one and only effect these products can have, being placebo.

Research how CBD is isolated, youll see why. Then research the government blocking its own research for the NHS despite allowing the 2 children special access.


Maggie22 I don't endorse any products love, sorry. Research CBD crystals and make up your own mind on how any company could be reputable.


mcdonaldt2 I don't endorse any products sorry. Research CBD crystals and make up your own mind on how any company could be reputable.

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