"The Hospital Dog," written by the talented Julia Donaldson and beautifully illustrated by Sara Ogilvie, is available now for £4.50, down from the previous price of £7.99. This engaging book tells the heartwarming story of Dot, a Dalmatian with an extraordinary talent for bringing smiles to the faces of young patients. Dot, along with her owner Rose, visits the children of Wallaby Ward, spreading cheer through her affectionate interactions.
Key features:
- Author: Julia Donaldson
- Illustrator: Sara Ogilvie
- Award: Winner of the Indie Book Awards 2021
- Genre: Rhyming children's tale
- Themes: Friendship, bravery, and the power of kindness
- Format: Paperback
- Price: £4.50 (originally £7.99)
From comforting a crying baby to entertaining a bored teenager, Dot's presence is a welcome relief in the hospital. This story not only highlights her impact on the ward's young patients but also depicts a moment of heroism when Dot is called to action in a time of need.
️ 4.8 / 5 based on 2,375 reviews
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