Do You Ever Search for the Same Seller Away from Amazon or Ebay?
Money Saving
I try to do this. Today I was looking for cargo shorts and came across a seller on Amazon that was quite reasonable. £7.99 plus £3.99 postage. The seller was called 'Your Shoestore' or something like that. I was going to buy 3 pairs, 2 of one colour and 1 of another. Anyway I thought I'd just check to see if the seller was available off Amazon and it was £6.99 and significantly cheaper postage. I'd saved about £5-6 which will no longer be heading to Jeff Bezo's bank a/c.
When you consider how Amazon treat staff around the world and have destroyed so many competitors with unfair trading practices it seems a no brainer to not only save your own money but not send it to Amazon.
Yes I do it all the time, weird thing is some sellers stores online are more expensive than their stores on ebay
martinlufc5637 Yes I've seen that too on occasion, I feel it the exception though. When ebay have a voucher promotion for example 10, 15 or 20% off you often find on the seller's own store its more expensive because you can't use the voucher there.
I think Amazon are the worst though as their fees are the highest. I would typically find ebay in the middle of pricing if something is available on their own site, ebay and Amazon.
Also I forgot to say the cargo shorts that were £7.99 with £3.99 postage on Amazon were also available on Amazon with prime delivery at £11.99 but the thing is if you buy more than one from Amazon there was a small postage discount so the prime pricing was more expensive as there was no discount for multiple purchases. Then when you factor people pay for Prime too and probably select prime delivery by default they are getting the worst possible deal.
BonzoBanana Sorry, but I disagree with you buying online non stop. Asda clothing department (and Tesco too) clothing, etc is dirt cheap in their sale, especially their clearance sections. For example today I purchased a 5-7 years old school girl dress for £2 and boys trousers 5-6 years for £2. In Tesco today as well I purchased a UniBond Aero 360 Moisture Absorber, 2-in-1 Moisture & Anti-Odour, Priced £16, Clubcard holder cost £8, using my £4 Tesco coupon, I paid just £4. No way I could I pay so little for the above items online. Its time to ditch the online shopping and go back to shopping on the high street.
jam45 I struggle with local shops for clothes. I have size 13 shoes etc, difficult to find locally although I can get away with a generous sized 12 shoe/trainer but even those are rare. I went into Asda recently and the largest size I could see was 10 or 11 just below my size. I totally understand for more normal sizes and to see the quality of what you are getting you can't beat local shops but that doesn't work for everybody.
I agree and I do; you can make savings. Like when I buy supplements from a sellers website instead of their Amazon site, I save about £1 per product and can get an extra 10% discount
Hence the gotta shop around eh? Seriously though always pays dividends to do that and I 100% agree better in the pocket of the seller than the bank of Bezo.
Sometimes, you get the same sellers on eBay as well as amazon. I went to tescos last night and got 2 pairs of boys' pj's at £2.25 a pair
Jackscot That's the sort of purchase a shop can be much cheaper for because to ship those pyjamas would probably cost £1-2 to a business. Low value stuff is very hard to ship competitively unless not to heavy and purchased in a bulk order. When you see how much Amazon charge for food its ridiculous most of the time. There are occasional good offers but 99% of it is stupidly expensive.
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