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What Do You Think of HUKD?

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What does everybody think of HUKD out of interest? I think it's going down the pan personally..

How can Latest Deals become better the HUKD?

over a year ago
What do you think of this?+20 points

PennyTrader I'm in complete agreement with everything you're saying. This site could be so much better if they listened. I've read topics from months back with very similar advice.


TheChimp the experts were posting before being made experts though. And they mostly share decent deals, that's why they were made experts after all.


TheChimp oh, plus they experts are in competition with each other, so I don't think they will all be giving heat to each other. Staff perhaps, sure, but I've seen certain stuff here seemingly get manually inflated too.


MeestairChrees But they don't! The majority of their deals are rubbish.

I can pick up the latest catalogue from Screwfix and post a hundred deals from them.

I can also post every single Anker product that's available on Amazon.

HUKD has had it. All the old timers who used to use Discussions have either left or have been banned. It's all down to their over woke attitude.

There's also a total lack of transparency where members don't know whether a deal has been given to admin so that they can post it. And then all admin/pepper vote it up blindly.


TheChimp agree on the transparency, but I saw them comment recently that they were meant to be addressing that soon.

Some of the experts sure, but I follow some that do have some good deals.


MeestairChrees How many do you actually take out though?


TheChimp not many, but the same goes with stuff here too! There's lots of great deals on both sites that I'm not interested in.


TheChimp If you're going to use taking deals out of Screwfix catalogue as an example, that's exactly what happens on here. I've seen members just posting deals from the same website on a daily basis and sometimes just because it's from a website that calls everything it sells 'deals'. Groupon and Time Out Deals spring to mind. Also, you do realise there are over 800 deals on here from Screwfix don't you? That's rather high in propotion to the reduced member size considering HUKD only has around 2500 from a much higher member count.


It's a case of quality vs quantity. As members on here earn points for posting, there is more of an incentive to post deals that are not as well-researched. It is also less likely that those deals will be criticised if they are not any good because I have already found out to my detriment that criticism is not taken well. The majority of responses I see are "that's lovely" or "thank you so much for posting". That's all very nice but doesn't really help to point out which deals are truly a deal.

I saw one a few days ago for a table that had an RRP of £100 and it was 'reduced' to £50. In reality, the product is available for £42 on eBay, full price. The deal posted on here was from one of those websites that supposedly has good 'deals' but it's just marketing (eg. Groupon). That post would have been ripped apart on HUKD and people can be harsh but the result is that the highly rated deals on there can generally be trusted whereas on here, there may be one genuinely good saving within 1 in 10 posts.

I may have joined recently but have been browsing the site for a lot longer than that. To be fair, the HUKD system does not always work because sometimes people vote based on their liking of the product and not whether it's a good deal. I can see that happens on here too with the likes though, especially as they also add points to one's account.


Dennab It's not just based on people's liking of a lot deals though, it's admin and pepper 'experts' voting their deals up. And with extra voting power, the posts go artificially high.

I like this site where it's one vote only.


TheChimp I get that but there are way too many so-called 'deals' on here that really aren't that at all. They are just products that people like and are making pleasant conversation about. I've already searched for a few things I needed and had to go back over to HUKD to get a result. That'll be down to the limited demographic on here as well.


Dennab Well if want to get anything from Anker fba Amazon or something from Screwfix, you'll be in luck.


TheChimp And on here, if you need a pack of cakes reduced from £1.50 to £1, this is the place to be. I'm interested in big savings, not 50p off a food product with replies saying "oooh I must try those".


Dennab So why are you here? 🤔


TheChimp In hope.


Hi, I've been on hukd for years and there are some brilliant characters on there. I've made a few friends which I wasn't looking to do when joining an online shopping site. I have seen other members who disagree with the mods for being inconsistent etc immediately shut down by a mod or mods. They do appear to be very over the top at times. The pepper expert introduction has upset a lot of people on there. They have some brilliant deals I have to say.


Those mods exist on all sites. Trust me. They aren't all as bright as they think they are though on HUKD (and other sites).


Nice to hear you made friends though. I prefer Twitter for that. I've met some brilliant people on there who I now know in real life.


Dennab Hi, I have seen mods fairly challenged over the years (more so recently) and they do not take it well. I have to agree that some mods aren't as bright as they think they are. Some seem to believe they are more knowledgeable than anyone else on the site that's for sure.


Dennab Thank you for saying that. I meet up with the hukd lot in real life too. I haven't got twitter tbh. That's lovely to hear that you have made friends through twitter 😍


Politically correct and with terrible mods who havent a clue and run the site like it is their own - loads of arguments and ad hominem attacks - mind you a lot of the deals on here come directly from there lol

I hope this site crushes them when folks get fed up with their Mods and the way the site is run - it has certain members who no matter how offensive their post they will never be removed because they have wasted so much of their small lives posting thousands of deals seemingly every day - there seems to be some sort of kudos to posting lots of deals over on there but i still havent found out why is there some sort of financial gain or is their a reward of some kind?

Most of the HUKD site is just one upmanship with who can slander the best and make new members feel small but then its mostly populated by men and this site is women - says a lot about us guys dontya think!



You just need to know how to beat them at their own game. 🤨


Dennab Beat them at their own game - who? Men?

lol its easy just pull the TOTM card!

Works every time!

My GF is an expert!



garygemmell No, the mods. Sorry I should have been more clear with that reply.


Dennab Yeah i know i was kidding and yes you are correct.


HUKD has gone downhill big time. The mods always protect mutley's stupid posts which make no sense. When mutters doesn't like what you reply, reports you to the mods and you get this pm.

Just a courtesy message to let you know you might notice a comment you made in the below thread missing as it was quoting a deleted comment. We tend to tidy a thread up when this happens or else comment replies do not make sense and it just messes with the flow of discussion. 😠


Sugarbabe Yeah true grasses are the lowest of the low!


It’s worth noting that Latest Deals is just 3 years old and HUKD is 15 years old.

Given Latest Deals’ exponential growth and constant improvement during the last three years since launch I am reminded of David & Goliath.

HUKD is a giant to be respected for sure, and a big, strong adversary. And Latest Deals is the smart underdog for now.

But personally I won’t be at all surprised if the underdog outwits the giant over the next few years, and wins the 'game'.

Look out HUKD, Latest Deals may just eat your lunch!


HUKD were pioneers in their time years ago, but I feel they may have lost their edge. There is space enough for both Latest Deals and 'he who should not be named ' too. I think where Latest Deals is different, is that it actually rewards the members for being active participants which is lovely.

What I have noticed through the survey sites that I participate in is that there are more choices for the way rewards are chosen e.g. Amazon, Paypal, BACs, Costa Coffee vouchers etc... I am sure Kelsey is on to this already as he mentioned this in the thread above.

One bug bear for me is that with so many different platforms what get's the priority for releasing news of freebies, deals, glitches etc.? I know I miss out as I am short on time. I never know which one to check first. I would love to know what your thinking is.



I think if I gave my honest opinion I would just get attacked here lol


Do it, do it, do it.


Dennab Double do it - some of us like the brutal truth - so little of it about just so many virtue signallers and PC obsessed auld fudds!¬


Penny you post some good deals, its time to leave HUKD and be made welcome on this site 👍


Bumping a three year old thread instead of making a new one. I just deleted my account after three years because of the frankly moronic moderators, and code of conduct policy they so haphazardly and selectively try to enforce.

Has anyone looked at their trustpilot recently? It's a slew of negative 1* reviews, one after the other, pages of them, nearly all directed at the moderators and the general management of the site. And they're all totally justified.

Many people had accounts over ten years, finally forced to delete their account after being targeted by the mods, having every single comment reviewed before posting, comments deleted for no reason. Deals unnecessarily edited, half the time with the wrong information. Deals deleted and then reposted by the mods and admin themselves.

A while ago, they directed users to give them a trustpilot review upon joining the site. This artificially inflated their trustpilot rating with a slew of reviews from people with very little actual experience of the site and it's inner workings. After the prompted five star reviews dried up, they had a rating of 4.8 on TP, which they advertised on the footing of their homepage. Now the rating is 3.4 because of a string of actually genuine reviews, which are overwhelmingly negative. Guess what? That link to their trustpilot score is now removed and has been replaced with the Google Play store rating of 4.5, which are mostly directed at the functionality of the app, and again, are prompted reviews, new users of tge app are asked to rate ir as soon as they download it.

This is, in a nutshell, exactly what I've come to expect from HUKD. They will shift blame, deny any level of wrongdoing, never admit any culpability, refuse to implement any kind of change, or address any of the complaints made by the community. And instead just try to deflect, silence and censor criticism in any way they can. They also attempt to get every single negative TP review removed by TP integrity team. They tried with mine, but I just kept reposting it.

I'm pretty new to LD. But so far, on the whole, I massively prefer their approach to community engagement. I still visit HUKD, but without an account, and I never use their referral links any more, I just Google the product myself and get it without generating any traffic for them.

Anyone else here an HUKD migrant?


FearLoathing I do think HUKD's does need to take a long hard look at their plummeting trustpilot score and start addressing the issues highlighted by unhappy members. More and more established long term posters and members have left reviews saying similar things about moderation over there. It appears to me that the reviews are genuine as I think I can recognise some members from the reviews left.

It's quite ironic that if it was another company with a trustpilot score like their own they would no doubt be banned from HUKD's


I prefer HUKD


HUKD has more deals, for sure. But that's because the community is so much bigger. If they continue with their overzealous, draconian moderation and deal editing, I believe they will either have to make fundamental changes or sacrifice their place at the top


FearLoathing You're right, but it's the quality of the deals I think is important. As well as having more deals, the ones on HUKD are better than on here. Many deals are copied onto here from there anyways.


I think yeah, because of the large community, most of the best deals like pricing errors and glitches go live on HUKD before anywhere else. For this reason alone, I do still frequently che k the new deals section there. But I refuse to generate any traffic for them, I just Google product myself instead of following the HUKD link.

I would encourage anyone else who feels the same way to do the same thing


Crickstar Quality is deals is subjective.

I found two deals on here which were never posted there: Tower extension (with 12 slots) for £14, and a handheld vacuum cleaner for £15.

Both of those are very useful items and had it been posted there, it'd have helped more people.

Vacuum: www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B09W5KJ1BL

Extension: www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B09R7SJV4Q

Neither are available for purchase now (so I'm glad I bought 4x of those extensions).

On the other hand, RWG sim card deals can never be posted here (I've tried) as they're not accepted even with the info straight from Companies House for authenticity. It's a shame as they've got really good deals.


FearLoathing there's other options out their too for finding deals. Facebook is a good place to look to join deals groups, many deals appear their before HUKD's so you stand a better chance at getting them.


I have never heard of HUKD

This is a fantastic site I have saved a fortune from when I joined it and everyone is so lovely


I left HUKD years ago as an active participant for many of the reasons already stated (albeit 3 years ago 🙄} , but still observe and there is no doubt better deals can be found on there .

I have supported Latest Deals for years and continue to give my suggestions to the team (most ignored) and I only post what I consider genuine deals - probably 6 or 7 a fortnight .

If this site is so good why , after introducing " rate deals " are only positives displayed ? Haven't members noticed ? LD freely admit they don't display negative "votes " - so every single non deal "appears " to be "liked" thus encouraging members to buy .

Members apparently love "Deal stacks " but look at them , the muscle massager , nail polish , airfryer liners , necklace , earrings etc ,etc are all the same price week after week - does anyone else track prices as I do ?

Unfortunately this is not a deals site , but an advertising site which has attracted folk not for the great deals but for giving points for posting non deals from Amazon (where everything is reduced ) or from a retailers sale .

On here LD Hunters post what is fed to them by Amazon (often several duplicates ) -spot the duplicate posts (not hard ! ) .

The main difference (as I see it ) is that Latest Deals buys it's loyalty with points , whereas HUKD deal posters have pride and belief in the deal they post and are rewarded (or not ) by the positive votes (heat ) they get or the negative votes (cold) . I believe this system would only improve Latest Deals , as I have told the founders on multiple occasions .

Two different advertising models , both appear to work ? Latest Deals , we must obviously realise that deals are not rated (when don't likes are excluded) so looking at "likes" is a waste of time .

It night help if Deal Hunters actually looked for deals rather than passing on the feed from Amazon ? It is so obvious when dozens of duplicates per day are posted - Am I the only one who notices this ?

Anyway it's up to members - I will continue to post what I consider great deals (5 or 6 a fortnight ) while most members appear to find 3 deals each and every day 🤔-wish I could !


I think most of the problems you just described exist on HUKD, and in some cases, even more so. Constant spam of covertly sponsored 'deals', HUKD exclusive 'discounts' which are basically just totally negligably savings for the purpose of traffic revenue. Authorised retailers promote their own deals there, as do unauthorised retails under relative anonymity. Seriously, like 95% of the deals on HUKD are absolutely garbage. Not only that, but sometimes the most garbage deals make it to the hottest deal of the day, simply because it's a niche item, or an item that gives all the boomers nostalgia.

I saw a set of brake pads for a Ford cortina make it to hottest deal of the day once. Thousands of comments just talking about a car that hasn't been produced for like forty odd years. It was genuinely pathetic. When I posted that it wasn't a deal, and nostalgia doesn't denote value, my comment was deleted and I was warned by a moderator for 'engaging in arguments'

Also, the heat system is inherently flawed too. Hot votes give more points than cold votes, and members with more accolades have more voting power. So the mods and admin tend to actually control what gets hot and what doesn't more so than the community. The user MrSwitch posts multiple deals every day (mostly phones), but they're very rarely actually good value for money.

They also won't allow a huge amount of legit retailers to have their deals posted there, because it doesn't meet their stupid criteria. As was pointed out earlier, it's ironic that they routinely block merchants with low trustpilot scores (unless the merchant is paying them), all while they have a totally abysmal TP score themselves.

The fact HUKD has better deals is literally purely by virtue of having literally tens of thousands more active members than LD. That's really just about it. I don't think the scoring system had much to do with anything. Also, not displaying the negative votes doesn't mean much. You can tell the ones which are less popular, they have less likes and zero comments. The most liked deals here are shown as trending, so that makes it pretty easy to distinguish. I don't think it's perfect, but I don't think the scoring system at HUKD is any better. They just have way higher volume of posters


FearLoathing I left HUKD 3 years ago as feedback /criticism was not allowed /deleted . At first Latest Deals seemed to accept and even act on my feedback which Tom would confirm .

My only reason for being on Latest Deals is to share the odd deal which I consider will save members money , and to respond to Chat topics which request advice (where I have expertise or experience -not just an opinion !)

As with any deals sites (this is an advertising site ) members rely on the opinions of other members ? When Latest Deals deliberately hide negative votes (and freely admit it ) what use is it to our less savvy members - who "believe they see a deal , must be good liked by 20 members (probably disliked by 30 members !-who will ever know ?) .

I believe I am in the 1-2 % of members who only post what I consider great deals , and only comment when I have something useful to add . Would this not be a far better site if all members had the same ethos ? Ok I am fortunate to not "need " Amazon vouchers as obviously so many do , but there are so many totally rubbish deals (well liked 🙄) that are posted on here that remove money from folks less able to afford it - Worthless Chinese Tat jewellery ,useless scissors , nail polish etc,etc,etc .

Don't pretend for a second that this is a deals site - apart from the few like myself who only post genuine deals . I would be totally embarrassed to post a "non deal " (which would still get 20 + likes under the current system ☹️)

Latest Deals -just as a start , a trial of displaying nett likes (likes -don't likes) instead of deliberately hiding don't likes ? This would obviously help members , maybe encourage members to post better deals ? A trial , if it doesn't work go back to the current deceptive system ? At least Latest Deals would gain some credibility ?


Golfforall I do agree that latest deals could do with giving members more of an incentive to post great deals, as it stands currently people can just post any old 3 deals and earn the same amount of points of those trying to add genuinely good deals each deal. I've hit 100,000 points now and the next reward is so far away I can't see the point in posting deals here anymore.

I do think HUKD's has got that aspect right in some respects only rewarding the 3 most popular deals each day posted in the various categories. It does encourage a better quality of deal been shared in my opinion,. although some members seem to spam the site daily though, everyone has got the same chance each day to get a voucher.


ILOVEFANTA Didn't even realise HUKD gave rewards . But they do at least count negative votes and positive votes (hence hot or cold ) . Sadly Latest Deals have this "Rate Deals " function where members click 25 times (I presume without looking or thinking ?) but only the "likes" are displayed -the dislikes are ignored ☹️.

A cunning plan to falsely make it appear every deal is a good deal . I have brought it up with the founders before - but I can only presume they are happy with the obvious deception ? More to the point do members realise they are being deceived ? Not at all right in my book .


Golfforall yeah they do after their expert programme finished there was a £10 Amazon voucher up for grabs each day in each category for the hottest deal, it's expanded now so they give £10, £5, £3 Amazon vouchers for the top deals in each of the categories each day, so those posting the best deals do get rewarded. I think it's to encourage quality over quantity.

Your have a valid point, poor deals do slip through the net here on latest deals due to not seeing the down votes. I'm not sure what the solution is to this as Latest deals seems to focus on positivity which I think is good, you get far fewer rude comments on here, which I prefer but I do think people need to do their own research before buying deals from here as many aren't quite as good as they initially seem.


I wouldn't be opposed to a points based system where each vote counts as one point. Also, if you see a crap deal that has been liked and remains on the home page, I would say that commenting to explain why it's a bad deal might be constructive, maybe save some less savvy people some money.

Regardless of which deals forum i see a deal on that I'm interested in, I always hunt for a cheaper option myself too. It's so easy, only takes a few minutesto check Google shopping and a couple of comparison sites. Unsurprisingly, I often find a better deal from a merchant which doesn't meet some deals forums criteria

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