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Anyone Fancy Joining Me in a Weight Loss Club?


I know many people struggle with their weight and this week I have had a dire warning from my doctor as my sugar levels have zoomed up due to bad eating habits. I am not obese just a couple of stone overweight but i need to seriously sort out my diet.

I have devised my own eating plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner and 4 days in am doing well. Apart from a headache the first two days I feel ok now and already not so sluggish.

Obviously I hope to lose weight too and if anyone would like to join me so we can encourage and help each other that would be great. No need to put your starting weight just come back each Wednesday and let me know if you have lost a pound or two, I will do same. We can give each other tips too. No need to explain if you don't lose anything or put some on, we're all friends here😀

2 weeks ago
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I will definitely join you in this. I've put weight on and need to lose a stone. I have already started to try and lose the weight so this will be good to help me focus on my goal.


MrsCraig that's great 1st member! So we will come back next Wednesday and see what we have managed. Even a pound a week would be good and you would lose a stone before end of year.

I am switching to granary bread as it has best traffic light pointer and allowing 2 slices per day. One for breakfast with egg, beans or even cheese on it. Then another with homemade soup for lunch, made some mushroom soup today. Not so easy for you with a family but good luck!


Lynibis I am trying to reduce how much I am eating and exercising more. Trying to eat more healthy foods and drink more water. Trying to walk more at work too to up my steps per day. My husband is also on a diet and exercise plan so we are motivating each other.


I'll join 🙂 Weight was going down slowly then GP put me on meds and weight decided to climb the ladder again, no longer on meds so hopefully it'll go down again.


lilyflower brilliant, I am looking forward to exchanging tips and seeing what food we're all eating.


Good luck to all who join up I won't be as I don't do diets


Leannexxx you can still follow our progress. My diet is more to get my blood sugar level down, if I don't lose much weight I will still be happy if I can do that.


I’d love to lose weight and would be interested. I’m not good with willpower though and a fussy eater which doesn’t help.


JLouM well until the colder weather comes I will be having salad for dinner most nights and breakfast and lunch I have said in reply to MrsCraig. With salad I will have lots of things to make it more enjoyable as I'm not keen on rabbit food! Hardboiled egg, cheese, sardines or mackerel in tomato sauce, chicken breast, salmon fillet, cous cous, coleslaw, home made potato salad, tuna pasta etc. Mainly keeping carbs down.


Lynibis I don’t like salad. I like chicken, sardines and mackerel. It’s difficult though as my husband doesn’t like fish that much and he is coeliac so dinner times are quite difficult.


JLouM I have learned to overcome my dislike of salad. Instead of slicing cucumber I peel it and dice very finely, same with sweet peppers, onion but not celery. I like tomatoes so chop quite a few and mix the lot together with mayo, dollop on a small bit of chopped lettuce and surround with potato salad and/or coleslaw (homemade if possible). Then I have the fish or chicken on one side cous cous and grated cheese on the other. You will be surprised how well the flavours meld and it is actually quite delicious. I can't preach because although I eat healthy meals my sweet tooth lets me down and I can't resist cake, biscuits, chocolate etc. Even though I know it brings me down and sugar level up. So far this week nothing sweet, just half tsp sugar in my one daily coffee.


Lynibis Thank you. Something to chew over. 🤔😄


JLouM literally lol😂


I've got too much food in the house at the moment and its pointless me starting a diet until such stupid food has gone. However hopefully I will join this thread in the near future with some weight loss figures.


BonzoBanana fantastic. I had a few bits to use up but I try to buy healthy and impulse buy the junk stuff so not too much. Sister coming to stay next week so will have to get some treats in and test my willpower.


I must admit I always feel fantastic when I diet and eat less, you would think you would have less energy but once your body starts using its own fat, ketosis you are using a higher grade of energy and the body stores vitamin D I think in the fat so you get a good dose of that too so you can feel much better or I do. If you have insulin resistance though, dieting can cause a lot of fatigue. You really need to start your diet with a 24hr dry fast to really kickstart the body into using its own fat reserves.


BonzoBanana yes I have often done intermittent fasting. I have gone up and down with my levels but a lot is psychological. Doc says too high, I diet, they get lots lower so I then think I am ok to eat whatever and they zoom up again. But this is highest ever and I must accept I can't eat whatever.

At least I now know why in my previous topic about losing my va va vroom.


Lynibis Yes its difficult to keep to a diet, it take a lot of dedication and willpower and we all have those foods we love which are hard to resist at times.



Count me in. It’s the three amigos again plus some more! I have already cut out bread at breakfast and replaced with a banana after my cereal with I also changed to a healthier one. I walk everyday and try to do Zumba for 20 minutes. My daughter purchased a mini pedal exercise bike ( it’s just the pedals) but it’s great as I can watch tv while using it. Every night for about an hour. I swapped bread at lunch time for cottage cheese, cucumber and cracker bread and have a dinner at 5pm and don’t eat after 6pm. Not seeing much change in my weight and my doctor blamed the menopause plus other health issues. Any other advice would be really helpful.


eyeballkerry great watch this space every Wednesday. A couple of things I've found helpful. I am not keen on bananas but they are lovely mashed on to ryvita. Don't cut out all bread/carbs as they are needed for energy.

I need to get a static bike and same as you watch tv while pedalling. I can't bear to walk around my local streets.


Lynibis I would check out facebook marketplace and gumtree as exercise bikes are often available dirt cheap from others who tried and failed to start a exercise regime. I'm not being very motivational it seems and add to that this but I did find it funny.



BonzoBanana that is really funny but so true, and yes I will check out your suggestions for exercise bikes, thanks.


Lynibis Like I said I have the mini exercise bike which is the pedals only. My daughter got it really cheap as it was a return but nothing wrong with it. I had a full exercise bike before, the seat was so uncomfortable and it became a cloths hanger!


eyeballkerry that sounds like the one I have: use it sitting down, feet in stirrups and a knob to tighten tension? It is good but I keep forgetting to use it! I did last night thanks to thinking about this diet venture.


Lynibis I have in the corner next to where I sit down in the evening to watch tv. So it is easy to get out and use. Every night without fail, which is pretty good for me.


eyeballkerry that is good! And very important to keep legs moving. I must admit I find it very heavy but often I do arm exercises while watching tv lol.


MrsCraig lilyflower JLouM eyeballkerry I know we only just started but a little update to hopefully encourage and prove my commitment as I started a week ago. I have old fashioned mechanical scales so they waver a bit and hard to get an accurate reading.

They are wavering in a different place now, in the right direction, so think I have lost 2 or 3 pounds already.

I haven't been hungry because I am changing my diet rather than eating less, though I have cut out unnecessary eating out of boredom. This morning I had 2 granary slices toasted with mashed banana on top, really enjoyed it and felt satisfied. Lunch was a bowl of the mushroom soup I made the other day and later I am having new potatoes with butter and cheese and salad. So still eating a few carbs but drastically reduced. No rules in this club, just do as we like and share. I am Hoping my sugar levels have dropped a bit as I feel better in myself. We are what we eat as they say! Good luck, look forward to your updates on Wednesdays or any time you like.


Lynibis I normally weigh on a Saturday because that's the day hubby does it for his charts and goals and I tag along for support but he's a protein person and I'm a carby. Our diet is pretty fixed Breakfast homemade pancakes with pureed fruit (no sugar, his are made with protein powder) or an omelette, sometimes I have banana on toast or porridge. He skips lunch so I'll either have a scrambled egg or banana on toast, he has a protein mousse after gym. Tea/Dinner is either chicken or fish (curry, stir-fry, rice, noodles or home made chips) with veg or a salsa salad. Tonight is Sweet n Sour chicken.


Lynibis I don't actually own a pair of scales, I use my mums ones! I started about 10 days ago, I haven't weighed myself but my trousers feel slightly less tight so it is hopefully working.


MrsCraig yes you'll be able to tell by your clothes. People get to hung up on weighing and do it every day, they are then disappointed if no change. I will do mine weekly.


lilyflower at the moment I will just weight when I remember and put the scales out of sight so it's not a temptation!


Lynibis I tend to do mine monthly, but I usually notice a change in how my clothes fit before I se it on the scales.


Count me in, partner and I have decided to cut out the rubbish we eat and get fitter. Only started 5 days ago and the temptation of chocolate and cake is killing me!

I'm calorie counting and use the 'MyNetDiary' app which is good. We've started going on walking more and bike rides too which to be fair I've really really enjoyed. Hopefully we can all help each other 😊


PinkElephant26 I truly believe it is as difficult as shaking any addiction. Eating food we love is such a pleasure, there can also be withdrawals too. I have decided to allow myself a treat every Saturday night, what I call a naughty meal. I had headaches the first two days (withdrawals) but feel great now after just a week and have lost at least 3lbs.

We are all to a certain extent responsible for our own health so good luck to you and partner, hopefully we can all encourage each other.


Lynibis Well done on losing the 3lbs, it’s such a boost when this happens, keep going. My treat each week was my free hot chocolate from 02 but they finish that today. It’s a good thing really. Well so I keep telling myself.


PinkElephant26 how is it going? I am no expert but I think it is easier if you have a little something to look forward to each week.


Lynibis I much prefer savoury treats now to sweet treats. I like donuts for example but never eat them as I can all the sugar on them so instantly I know they are bad.


Well the diet starts today, I've just weighed myself to see my starting weight and its not good so definitely a good time to start losing weight, I've got to lose a few kg just to get back to the weight I thought I was.


BonzoBanana well it's not fair to see how much you've lost this Wednesday but maybe Wednesday week. As I said we don't need weight just loss so good luck.


Lynibis I might do a weight loss figure this Wednesday as I'm starting the diet with a fast and that often helps you clear out the pipework a bit so you often get a very good initial weight loss figure after only a couple days but its not real weight loss of course, most of it is water and waste.


I know it’s not Wednesday yet but i am still sticking to my cracker bread and cottage cheese. Not sure for how long though, once it gets colder than I will change to Mug shots.


eyeballkerry the look and smell of cottage cheese puts me off lol. Maybe in the colder weather some homemade soups and a slice of granary bread for lunch is hearty and filling. My fave to make is mushroom soup. I use the BBC recipe site. If you Google mushroom soup the site will pop up. It is quick, easy and delicious and cheaper than shop bought.


Lynibis Its weird why so many people are put of by the look of cottage cheese, I can think of a lot more foods that look worse.


eyeballkerry ha ha I am pretty sure I tasted it ages ago but it just tasted of sour 🙊


Well did my fast yesterday and will be doing the same today. Hopefully will have some sort of weight loss even after just two days. I know my body is breaking down fat during the night in order to fill the gap of no food as I've been to the toilet 5 times during the night and normally I only go once or none. Ketosis means breaking down the fat but also releases a lot of water as it does so. I'm hoping for at least a kilo loss in only 2 days but we shall see. I'm 6'2" and a rugby player build even without the fat. The lowest weight I've been in the last 10-15 years is about 95kg but really 100kg is a low weight for me as I'm always reasonably muscular. I've got those scales where they analyse your weight through an app and the only good result I have is my muscle mass as a high percentage of my weight.



BonzoBanana sounds very technical and I won't pretend to understand but we'll done. You will be inspiring all of us and will look forward to seeing your progress and tips.😊


Lynibis Well according to the scales my weight has gone down by 4.9kg and my muscle rate is now 44%. Most of that will be water and waste. I went to the toilet about 3 times last night so the body removing water has slowed. Unfortunately I get these huge weight losses at the beginning of dieting and fasting but they can't be maintained sadly by fasting. There is only so much excess water that the body gets rid of and then the more difficult issue of removing body fat. If I can lose 2kg by next Wednesday I'll be pleased but be satisfied with 1kg. Obviously I'm probably twice the weight of some people here so weight loss is probably an easy 2x speed for me compared to those people. I have a large muscle mass and of course a greater weight to move about so I probably need 3,000-5,000 calories a day to maintain my weight as it is on average. I think you have to have a calorie deficit of 10,000 calories to lose a pound in weight but for me that is probably 2 pounds in weight. Over two days I could probably have a calorie deficit of 10,000 when fasting so probably can achieve 2-3kg of weight loss if I fasted all week.

I'm actually planning to fast on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week and eat more sparingly on the other days with very high nutritional food except for Sunday with the Sunday Roast and a dessert. If I can't motivate myself to fast (likely) I will try to keep to one meal a day. I will try really hard to remove processed foods and processed sugars from my diet and increase fibre content as much as possible. Also move to a higher protein diet.


BonzoBanana Your scales sound very impressive, were they expensive? I have just got digital ones. Are they worth it?


eyeballkerry The scales don't give me all that information I have to work out some of the details myself. This is the data it provides based on taking a resistance reading through my body and then using some algorithm to calculate the ratios. How accurate it is, is another matter and the scales were only about £8 I think from Amazon Warehouse about a year ago or more. The weight measurement itself seems accurate compared to other scales. Looking on Amazon similar scales start around £10 now and the ones I have look like the ones that would sell for around £20 with the picture of the app looking the same as mine.



BonzoBanana I will definitely have a look for some of these, seems to give a lot of information. Cheaper than I thought, thanks

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