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Anyone Fancy Joining Me in a Weight Loss Club?


I know many people struggle with their weight and this week I have had a dire warning from my doctor as my sugar levels have zoomed up due to bad eating habits. I am not obese just a couple of stone overweight but i need to seriously sort out my diet.

I have devised my own eating plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner and 4 days in am doing well. Apart from a headache the first two days I feel ok now and already not so sluggish.

Obviously I hope to lose weight too and if anyone would like to join me so we can encourage and help each other that would be great. No need to put your starting weight just come back each Wednesday and let me know if you have lost a pound or two, I will do same. We can give each other tips too. No need to explain if you don't lose anything or put some on, we're all friends here😀

2 weeks ago
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Lynibis I tend to do mine monthly, but I usually notice a change in how my clothes fit before I se it on the scales.


Count me in, partner and I have decided to cut out the rubbish we eat and get fitter. Only started 5 days ago and the temptation of chocolate and cake is killing me!

I'm calorie counting and use the 'MyNetDiary' app which is good. We've started going on walking more and bike rides too which to be fair I've really really enjoyed. Hopefully we can all help each other 😊


PinkElephant26 I truly believe it is as difficult as shaking any addiction. Eating food we love is such a pleasure, there can also be withdrawals too. I have decided to allow myself a treat every Saturday night, what I call a naughty meal. I had headaches the first two days (withdrawals) but feel great now after just a week and have lost at least 3lbs.

We are all to a certain extent responsible for our own health so good luck to you and partner, hopefully we can all encourage each other.


Lynibis Well done on losing the 3lbs, it’s such a boost when this happens, keep going. My treat each week was my free hot chocolate from 02 but they finish that today. It’s a good thing really. Well so I keep telling myself.


PinkElephant26 how is it going? I am no expert but I think it is easier if you have a little something to look forward to each week.


Lynibis I much prefer savoury treats now to sweet treats. I like donuts for example but never eat them as I can all the sugar on them so instantly I know they are bad.


Well the diet starts today, I've just weighed myself to see my starting weight and its not good so definitely a good time to start losing weight, I've got to lose a few kg just to get back to the weight I thought I was.


BonzoBanana well it's not fair to see how much you've lost this Wednesday but maybe Wednesday week. As I said we don't need weight just loss so good luck.


Lynibis I might do a weight loss figure this Wednesday as I'm starting the diet with a fast and that often helps you clear out the pipework a bit so you often get a very good initial weight loss figure after only a couple days but its not real weight loss of course, most of it is water and waste.


I know it’s not Wednesday yet but i am still sticking to my cracker bread and cottage cheese. Not sure for how long though, once it gets colder than I will change to Mug shots.


eyeballkerry the look and smell of cottage cheese puts me off lol. Maybe in the colder weather some homemade soups and a slice of granary bread for lunch is hearty and filling. My fave to make is mushroom soup. I use the BBC recipe site. If you Google mushroom soup the site will pop up. It is quick, easy and delicious and cheaper than shop bought.


Lynibis Its weird why so many people are put of by the look of cottage cheese, I can think of a lot more foods that look worse.


eyeballkerry ha ha I am pretty sure I tasted it ages ago but it just tasted of sour 🙊


Well did my fast yesterday and will be doing the same today. Hopefully will have some sort of weight loss even after just two days. I know my body is breaking down fat during the night in order to fill the gap of no food as I've been to the toilet 5 times during the night and normally I only go once or none. Ketosis means breaking down the fat but also releases a lot of water as it does so. I'm hoping for at least a kilo loss in only 2 days but we shall see. I'm 6'2" and a rugby player build even without the fat. The lowest weight I've been in the last 10-15 years is about 95kg but really 100kg is a low weight for me as I'm always reasonably muscular. I've got those scales where they analyse your weight through an app and the only good result I have is my muscle mass as a high percentage of my weight.



BonzoBanana sounds very technical and I won't pretend to understand but we'll done. You will be inspiring all of us and will look forward to seeing your progress and tips.😊


Lynibis Well according to the scales my weight has gone down by 4.9kg and my muscle rate is now 44%. Most of that will be water and waste. I went to the toilet about 3 times last night so the body removing water has slowed. Unfortunately I get these huge weight losses at the beginning of dieting and fasting but they can't be maintained sadly by fasting. There is only so much excess water that the body gets rid of and then the more difficult issue of removing body fat. If I can lose 2kg by next Wednesday I'll be pleased but be satisfied with 1kg. Obviously I'm probably twice the weight of some people here so weight loss is probably an easy 2x speed for me compared to those people. I have a large muscle mass and of course a greater weight to move about so I probably need 3,000-5,000 calories a day to maintain my weight as it is on average. I think you have to have a calorie deficit of 10,000 calories to lose a pound in weight but for me that is probably 2 pounds in weight. Over two days I could probably have a calorie deficit of 10,000 when fasting so probably can achieve 2-3kg of weight loss if I fasted all week.

I'm actually planning to fast on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday each week and eat more sparingly on the other days with very high nutritional food except for Sunday with the Sunday Roast and a dessert. If I can't motivate myself to fast (likely) I will try to keep to one meal a day. I will try really hard to remove processed foods and processed sugars from my diet and increase fibre content as much as possible. Also move to a higher protein diet.


BonzoBanana Your scales sound very impressive, were they expensive? I have just got digital ones. Are they worth it?


eyeballkerry The scales don't give me all that information I have to work out some of the details myself. This is the data it provides based on taking a resistance reading through my body and then using some algorithm to calculate the ratios. How accurate it is, is another matter and the scales were only about £8 I think from Amazon Warehouse about a year ago or more. The weight measurement itself seems accurate compared to other scales. Looking on Amazon similar scales start around £10 now and the ones I have look like the ones that would sell for around £20 with the picture of the app looking the same as mine.



BonzoBanana I will definitely have a look for some of these, seems to give a lot of information. Cheaper than I thought, thanks


Haven't weighed myself as don't have scales so not sure what I've lost but my stomach bump looks smaller and I managed to get into a smaller pair of leggings this morning. Maybe doesn't seem much as leggings are stretchy. Also my wedding rings keep moving around so think my fingers have gotten slightly smaller.


MrsCraig that is promising and you know what they say 'slow and steady wins the race'. I think the trick is to not give up too soon and allow yourself a treat every now and then.


Lynibis I have been ill this week and have been tempted to comfort eat but I resisted. I am definitely a slow and steady type of person.


Checking in 🙂 and the scales read exactly the same as they did a week past Saturday 😞 and I've been eating less!


lilyflower it's so disheartening isn't it? Would it help to keep a food diary? I am not one for counting calories as I think we all know instinctively what we should or shouldn't eat for health and weight loss. Could you have 2 meals instead of 3 per day? I eat between 10/11am and then around 6 to 7pm. Cutting out sugar and lower intake of carbs should help to kick start. But look on good side, you haven't put any on😊


Lynibis Not putting any on is a plus, a big plus. I don't know where/what else to do, OH is a bodybuilder so everything is planned and controlled. I have to eat by 9.30 or I'm passing out, something light 1-2 and evening is between 6-7. We don't have sugar and carbs are as low as we can get them. As a side note his weight can fluctuate by 3lb in a week but his body fat % stays the same.


lilyflower what is your fluid intake? I have one coffee when I get up and then only water although with sister here I drank more coffee as she refuses to drink water saying she doesn't like it, which I admit I don't understand as it is tasteless so I am sure people could drink it. Even one or two glasses is better than none, maybe with a slice of lemon which I've heard can help with weight loss.


Lynibis 3 cups tea and between 1 - 1.5 litres water. I have shares in water company for before and after use!


lilyflower nice one, glad to hear it lol.


Well I haven't done too well as my sister came to visit Monday until this morning, just left. We went to Harvester last night and I had chicken and ribs with the salad bar. The chips begged me to eat them and I couldn't say no.

As I said no one needs to state weight but I will tell you my start weight was 15 stone and am now wavering around 14st 9 to 10 pounds. To be honest my main aim is to reduce my sugar level, weight loss is a bonus.

Thank you for checking in today, I am sure we will have good news next week as our bodies adjust. But please do add tips to help us all or any news at any time. I am loving your contributions🤗


Lynibis well done on losing that weight. When I first started losing weight, 3 years ago, I started at 12 stone 4lbs and went down to 8 stone 9lbs. I went back up to 9 stone 5lbs. When I first met my husband I was 8 stone 7lbs so would like to get back to round about there.


MrsCraig When I met my first hubby I was 7 stone 2 there is no way on earth I'll ever see that again. His mother thought I was ill and set out on a mission to feed me, twelve years later (pre pregnancy) I'd made it to 8 stone 4lb.


lilyflower I'm not sure I will ever see it again either but I want to at least try and get as close to there as possible. I put in a lot of weight during pregnancy, I've lost most of it but not all.


I made cake- then I had to eat it. At work I sell cake but dropped it and it broke so was unsalable but I couldn’t throw it away as nothing really wrong with it- so I ate it! Oh dear.


JLouM I hope you meant a single cake not a whole one lol🎂🍰

It must be murder working in a cake shop and trying to diet, I sympathise🍩


Lynibis No it wasn’t a whole cake, just a slice. 🍰🤣


I was in the one stop today dropping off an Evri parcel and they had 3 packs of those little iced buns, its like four joined together so you can split them back into 4 units. They were 38p a pack and while not the most amazing treat in the world I was proud of myself for resisting them. It was an eating day today and I had a bit too much really but it was all sensible, some fruit and a large salad. I shall probably have a salad as the only meal for the next three days as I'm trying to have a clear out of the pipework and then get back to better fasting next week. I've already noticed I have more stamina and energy since starting this diet and my head is more clear, Ketones are a very high quality fuel.


Another successful day of willpower yesterday, I was in the coop and resisted the £1.50 Ginsters cornish pasty, £1 bag of chocolate eclairs and the £5 frozen deal including fish and chips and caramel ice cream. I end up buying a cabbage, a small pack of ham for the salad and some apples. Which was about £2.40 with my weekly coop offers.


BonzoBanana I notice junk food is always the food on offers. I wouldn't need willpower to avoid the pasty as I hate factory produce like that, though I would love the ice cream.....what a bad contradiction. But well done you!👏


Lynibis I love a Ginster's pasty but my mother is Cornish and makes a mean proper cornish pasty but hasn't made one for years sadly.


BonzoBanana I have personally never had a Ginsters but my husband enjoys them. It’s weird some foods just don’t interest me.


I won't be doing a weight check this week, we have had some fantastic weather down here and went to Burham on Sea yesterday and likely go to Weymouth tomorrow if the weather holds out. Whenever I go to the beach I do not eat sensibly either with what I eat or how much I eat. It's all part of the day really so I feel weighing myself would be counter-productive. I will be fasting today but just know overall it is not going to achieve much. Yesterday had a meal in Hungry Horse, the two meals for 12.49 and I had the Ruddles Steak Pie and chips with peas. It's quite a big pie so that isn't good plus had cheese tortillas on the beach plus a few other stupid items along the way. I shall be fasting Saturday too but last week I think I fasted 3 days and was sensible on about 6 of the 7 days but that is not going to be the case this week.


Hi Everyone, just to let you know I reached a milestone points total yesterday so will be having a break from LD for a while, I spend far too much time on here and not getting other things done. However, I will log on every wednesday to see how we are all doing.

I haven't done as well as I expected and have probably lost only 5lbs (those wavering scales make it hard to be accurate, must get new set). Considering I was more than a week into this before starting the topic that is not good. I won't know sugar levels until next blood test.

Anyway hope you are all doing better. For me it is the carbs as I love potatoes and bread, rice and pasta and find it really hard to cook meals without any of it. I now buy granary bread all the time as it seems to have best traffic light system and overall am eating less. I can't face food until around 11am but then it is hard to stop! But mostly I manage until evening meal around 6pm. It is after that I really crave something sweet but as I no longer keep anything sweet in the house I manage to get through.

Will update next week and see how you're doing.


Lynibis you will be missed on the chat threads but happy you will still be joining in with this one. 5lbs is a great amount to have lost. Might not be as much as you had hoped but I think it's a great amount. It has been a mixed week for me as it was my mums birthday so went our for dinner and had cake. I have however been doing more exercise so hopefully that will stop me gaining even if I haven't lost. I do feel that my belly bump is smaller. Still a long way to go but think I have lot a lb or 2. Will find out when I next weigh myself.


Lynibis 5lbs is fantastic weight loss. I get some great initial starting a diet weight losses but I'd be happy with 1kg a week when I'm actually into the diet properly. It's fantastic when you get a huge weight loss but you must be realistic and even a pound a week is fantastic, that represents a calorie deficit of about 8,000-10,000 calories for a normal weight person which is over 1,000 calorie deficit per day which is like halving their calories per day which is normally 2000-2500 calories. 99% of weight loss is eating less calories and trying to switch to complex carbs rather than simple carbs (processed food) as the body is far less efficient at getting calories from complex carbs. Exercise is great for health, living longer and making you feel good both physically and mentally but sadly it has minimal effect on weight loss according to more recent science which is annoying. However being larger and having more muscle mass can speed up weight loss but the exercise itself doesn't so much. There is a video here that explains it. So a top athlete might consume 10-15,000 calories a day but that is because of large muscle mass and a body optimised to perform well through rigorous training. However light exercise doesn't really achieve a lot if you aren't increasing your muscle mass etc.


Lynibis I'm not going on the scales this week, it's not been a good weight week with 3 birthdays in 4 days - you can't say no to birthday cake Image


lilyflower no problem🎂🍰


lilyflower I did read somewhere that birthday cake has no calories, not sure if it’s true or its just your own birthday cake!


Lynibis Well done you, I’m still trying but avoiding the scales for a few days. Enjoy your break from LD and make time for yourself.


I'd love to join but losing weight has been difficult, it's mostly medication weight, steroids for a bad chest, it's hard to shift, I was 19 stone but now at 16 stone 7 can't seem to get it any lower it's been this for a while


martinlufc5637 That's still very decent weight loss.

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