Bad Deals with High Postage
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It really annoys me when people post deals “ 1p item” but it turns up £6 postage so the item is not even worth that and people dont put it on deal or title ! Just put sometimes in description , we don’t always read the description when seeing in title 1p deal we rush , o thing LD should moderate those deals before being posted , it annoys me when people don’t put it in title about the high postage which is not a deal after all
And if you comment to mention the postage they often get angry at you....
most deals don’t mention postage at all and you are supposed to!
What also annoys me when it comes to this sort of thing is when it comes to freebies that require paying for postage. Not really free if you have to pay for postage is it? Kinda defeats the object of something being free doesn't it? Just me?
Hey We've had lots of discussion with the community about whether freebies with postage should be allowed and it's always about a 50/50 split. Soon we hope to let people filter out freebies with postage cost so that hopefully everyone can use LD how they'd prefer
We have a postage field for freebies, do people think it would be good to extend this to deal posts as well? So the postage cost is more obvious?
Yes please! Should be a required field too for deals and freebies so people could put £0 delivery if needed
7/10 posts don’t mention postage
Agreed. I always add postage to the cost of my deals and comment when people don't on theirs. Drives me crazy!
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