Beer Can Artwork Accidentally Thrown in Rubbish by Staff Member at Dutch Museum
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I am all for contemporary art if it is something that looks good , but i cannot say i am impressed about this one, two crushed beer cans !!
Both were on display at the Lisser Art Museum in a glass lift
They were so mundane the lift mechanic thought he was doing the museum a favour by cleaning up and threw them in a rubbish bag for recycling
I think he was probably not that impressed they weren't cans of heineken
Luckily they were recovered before being thrown away
If this had been in the UK a litter enforcement officer would probably have fined the museum for leaving them lying around
I'll drink to that
Wow, all this time my recycle bin has housed a contemporary art display and I didn't even realise
Why where they in a lift in the first place? No wonder they were thrown away, hand painted too ouch, must have took a lot of time to do those
martinlufc5637 It just says this about why they were left there in the article M
They were put there on a plinth apparently
''Froukje Budding, a spokeswoman for the LAM museum in Lisse, western Netherlands, told AFP that artworks are often left in unusual places - hence the display in a lift''
telmel oh ok, silly place to leave them really, I remember the local council purchased a piece of so called art made up of milk crates, it was ridiculous, just blue milk crates pulled up on each other,they paid a million pound for it, someone set it on fire, it was completely destroyed
This is the thing about art i guess, reminds me of a news article I read about a prankster who install their “artwork” in a gallery and loads of people spent ages looking at it
I saw this on TV and thought if anyone left empty cans in their house they would be called a slob lol
Funny.I was thinking to post this one.No surprises.I would probably have done exactly the same.Strange what passes for art these days.
That's not art that's just getting stupid people to pay for rubbish and be impressed. Clearly a smart person who knows how to take the rich for a ride
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