Does the Points Calculator Need Oiling?
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This is not important enough to bother the founders but i have noticed the points i earn sometimes add up wrongly. Yesterday my forty points earned took me from 495 to 525. (Last three figures).
I just wondered if this happens to others but as i said i am not concerned about the odd 10 points as i just like chatting and contributing and lovely to feel part of this community.
I agree with you, this has been happening for some time now. Another point to mention (no pun intended) is that the points don't automatically update when you change pages anymore, it seems sporadic and you have a refresh the page to see the updated points total.
tumblespots Morning Have you noticed this continue to happen since the very helpful examples you shared with me? I had hoped () I'd managed to get to the bottom of those bugs when sharing posts. Thanks!
Kelsey Good morning.
I don't think it hasn't happened often since about the time that you last wrote although there sometimes seems to be a slight time delay in the points increasing when you post things, but it is seconds rather than minutes.
Also, when I open my notifications (quite a few sometimes) I open all the pages and as I move through them, and make comments, the points don't automatically update on all pages as they used to, you have to refresh each page to see the current total. Is this something that is a permanent change?
I've just checked my recent ones and they all add up correctly, is it happening all the time or just occasionally?
Lynibis I only asked as I wonder if it's a random glitch or for a certain action, I've never posted a chat topic for example so I wouldn't realise if the points were incorrect.
I don't think i've ever noticed any points discrepancies but I have noticed a few little bugs here and there, sometimes no notifications for things etc
Hey Lynibis Thanks for sharing this feedback and sorry to hear the points went a bit squiffy.
I can see in your points history the bit you're talking about.
To be candid - I'm not entirely sure why that's happened at the moment! I'll manually add the missing points to your account and see if I can dig into the code and work out what went wrong there
Hi Kelsey on 20th June at 7.34am points were not added for a comment so the two totals remained the same. I am not sure if there have been any more, I am sure I would notice as I do have a read through most days. Thank you for the reply and I hope you don't get inundated with similar point discrepancies.
Lynibis Hey
I've manually added points for that set of missing ones too. Thank you for the additional information it allowed me to (I think!) track down the bug.
I believe it was an issue when two lots of points were trying to be awarded at once.
I hope this is now fixed but if you continue to spot issues for new points going forwards please let me know
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