Plans to Bring Back Imperial Measures and Crowns on Pint Glasses
In the News
Some very important news and at last a positive after leaving (he says sarcastically)
There are plans for the return of the crown stamp on pint glasses and pledges to review a ban on marking and selling of products in imperial units
Good result
But the glass is still half empty
Yeah we can have food shortages in pounds and ounces yey! This must be on of those "Britishness" things like the one with ofcom.
Shortages? Britain produces some stuff like pork, cow, lamb, and... That's all I remember. Most of the food they rely on being imported.
U.K. has always had crappy rainy weather so they could put that to use for farming.
So much green land the U.K. and it goes unused.
These companies already use the royal stamp S , i never took much notice, probably still wont
Royal seal of approval.
McIlhenny Company (never heard of them )
Elizabeth Arden
Hardy Brothers
Fortnum & Mason.
telmel we must definitely pick up on the same news, as I was just tried to post something similar
I have mixed emotions about this - a lot of youngsters don't know imperial measurements, plus any food imported from the EU by law must be metric
Thats my point B
What good is this going to do for anyone, do they think the pub drinkers are going to go ecstatic about a hallmark on a glass ?
They dont even look at the glasses, only whats inside
One of the annoying things about the EU - taking away imperial measurements. There are a lot of benefits of maintaining the old measures particularly in the building trade! It's funny, we've recently ordered some 6" square fence posts!
I can't get to grips with grams either, when I cook I use my weighing scales with my lb & oz weights (a balancing scale) and all my recipes are in pounds & ounces. The very worst measure though is 'cups' what on earth does that even mean? I have cups of all different sizes?!?!
Yes the EU have a lot to answer to T , fany craddock would be horrified
I had to mispell her name without an n as they censored her full one
I know T, at one time you could say anything without being censored
ps i know you were referring to imperial measures
A little too late for that as the Metric system has been in use for ages although Imperial is used for transport/driving. Plus, Britain's Penal Colony (aka Australia) uses it, Canada, and most of the world.
U.S. is one of the few that uses the Imperial system and will probably never change to Metric.
As someone who only left school 13 years ago but has baby boomer parents, I am familiar with both imperial and metric. For example, I use imperial measurements whenever I am cooking or baking as well as when I am weighing myself. But whenever I am measuring the height, width or length of something I tend to use metric measurements.
Theres nothing wrong with using both measurements R, it keeps the mind agile constantly converting
I am the opposite, i know my height in ft and inches but have to use a converter to go metric
But then i use metric for weight
I wonder how much money is being wasted on reviewing this pointless change. I'd prefer if they take MP advice and cut beer duty, VAT or business rates instead.
The move to metric was never anything to do with the EU - we agreed to it a lot longer ago: in 1856.
Even many parts of the USA are using metric measures now as the move to a world standard makes a lot of sense. Children have been taught metric measurements for decades - its only us old fuddy duddies that yearn for the old measures, and most of us probably use a mixture of the two anyway.
Boris and his chums continue to take the country backwards to the mythical "good old days". The way things are going at the moment ration books will be back soon!
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