Do You Wash New Clothes before Wearing Them for the First Time ?
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I never really thought about doing this until i read an article about what the material of new clothes might contain
Did you know new clothes could contain chemical residue and carcinogens like Formaldehyde, Phthalates and lead
Not only that , but other nasties because others have tried on the clothes before and there have been been cases of people possibly getting infested with Lice, scabies, and fungus all from unwashed clothes
Sometimes i might wash a new shirt, not because of the reasons mentioned, but because it might be too stiff because of starch
But i will definitely giving those new undies a spin in the washing machine before wearing
I’ve read about this but tbh I haven’t ever bothered. I’m still alive, so can’t say it’s worried me
I have always washed new clothing mainly due to the fact it has been generally hanging around in a shop and someone may have tried it on. I try and buy shoes online or ask for a new pair from the stock room, less chance someone has had their feet in them.
eyeballkerry Most reputable shoe stores will give you a pair of socks to try them on with E , but with cutbacks they may not
Yes we always wash clothes before wearing them as you never know who has worn them lol or that it might not be as clean as you thought it would be
Food for thought, I haven't usually done this but will from now on. Even though it's a bit late in the day I will be thinking of your post whenever I buy new items
I've never done that and never even thought to do it with clothes tbh. I've done it with like blankets/throws etc
I think clothes from Temu and Shein have been found to have extremely dangerous chemicals left after manufacture, chemicals that should never have been used in the first place but makes clothes production lower cost. A lot of clothes come from countries with very poor regulations and risk the safety of their own people so no surprise clothes for export are also very dangerous. However you would expect retailers based in the UK to do spot checks for chemical residues in clothes but maybe they don't either. If you are buying clothes from Temu or Shein you definitely need to wash them perhaps more than once and perhaps not allow children to wear them as some of the chemicals are more dangerous to children, a bit like lead in petrol I guess. Probably lead is one of the chemicals found in such clothes thinking about it.
BonzoBanana I posted similar before i saw your post B, definitely wash clothes from these retailers
A while back, it rained really heavy, I had new jeans on, my legs and socks where blue lol since then I was them first
I wash everything what's new I would say I wasn't as bad as I am now though since covid I wash everything new
I do if it's from a charity shop. May have to start washing new clothes after reading this. Grim
I always test clothes to see if they run & if they run I mark them up with permanent marker so I know what runs & what doesn't..
I do wash some of my new clothes but not all...
Yes always have ,.my mum always did, you never know who has touched/ made/ tried them on and if their hands/ bodies were clean....
I don’t always wash new clothes depends on what they are, but always wash new underwear and bedding
Just a question to those afraid of all nastiness. How do you try new clothes on before buying them in the shop?
And another question.
When you order online do you wash them before checking if they are a good fit?
Not clothing, but we do wash new towels and bedding etc just really to freshen them and soften them a bit before use
I too always wash new underwear and bedding.I don't like that vague chemical smell that comes with the goods.I prefer to wash and hang outside to dry in the sunshine when we get some of course!
I always wash everything after reading an article regarding items produced overseas. This was because of creepy crawlies getting into packing cases, and there was also a worry over products that they used in packaging
I always wash anything that is new just think of how many timed it's been handled or tried on by someone else!!
We don't tend to wash new clothes before wearing them but after reading this article I think we will now.
I have heard before about clothes from certain companies containing "Did you know new clothes could contain chemical residue and carcinogens like Formaldehyde, Phthalates and lead" but I was led to believe washing them didn't get rid of them anyway? I dont wash my clothes before I wear them if they are new, but maybe now I should!
For hygiene, yes.
I also wash clothes I buy from Vinted as I think they weren't clean/washed, anyway.
To be honest I don’t tend to wash clothes before wearing, but think it’s worth doing now after reading . I cannot smell the best after head injuries so can’t do that test. I do however wash bedding before hand.
I always wash new clothes, because as you say, you don't know who has tried them on before you!!
Yes I have always washed clothes before wearing them. My Mind set always tell me you don't know where they have been from material onwards.
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