Why is It That the Most 'Neutral' Country in the World Has so Many Guns?
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Switzerland is one of the most heavily armed countries in the world. It is also one of the safest.
Despite its taste for neutrality, Switzerland is one of the most heavily-armed countries in the world. Gun owners belong to one of two categories: army recruits and shooting enthusiasts. ENTR went to Switzerland to dive deep into the country’s little-known gun culture.
Every year, on the second weekend of September, almost one million people gather on the outskirts of Zurich to celebrate one of Switzerland’s oldest events: the Knabenschiessen. At first glance, it looks like any other carnival: loud music, tall rides, and a somewhat vintage Ferris wheel. But steps away from the greasy carnival food is the real attraction: a teenage-only rifle shooting competition.
It's a bit of a paradox isn't it
Why are other places that allow guns so violent when Switzerland isn't?
Jerseydrew I came upon an article and was so surprised myself that I wondered whether other people knew about the paradox. It seems so contradictory.
tumblespots yes it's contradictory and surprising and they are good at keeping themselves out of mainstream news
Jerseydrew We could learn a thing or two about how to stay out of the news!
It is a wonder how they manage to stay neutral when they clearly do like the violence of guns!
There's nothing wrong with firearms as long as they're used responsibly and for self-defense.
Meanwhile, in Britain criminals use knives and swords against innocent people and average police carry tasers which aren't really that great if the suspect has gotten used to them (even immune) or the cop misses the shot and has to reload. Plus, PCSOs aka novice police who patrol communities aren't even given a taser, just a vest.
If anyone wants to buy a vest (stab/bullet proof) it's on the internet and they vary in price, the higher the price is the better it is.
Guns aren't the problem, hostile people are. You wouldn't say "There's too many cars" even though they can be used as a weapon, too.
PhilipMarc Very true. It is strange though how in the UK we take guns away from law abiding people but, of course, all the criminals still have them
PhilipMarc though most pro guns people tend to blame everyone else as in they will blame some rapper not the real problem that weapons are easily accessible to all or that there's a ruse in gang crime and cuts to youth services has stopped important work being done
Jerseydrew Yes! The whole system is broken really so crime will inevitably increase.
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