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Lidl Shoppers Spot Bargain Fuji Instax Camera For £30 In The Middle Aisle

  • Huge savings: Lidl offers the Fuji Instax Mini 11 for £30, 50% off high street prices.
  • Limited availability: The item is quickly disappearing from shelves, with only a few left.
  • Extra value: Price includes 10 polaroid films, enhancing the deal.

In a find that's turning heads and prompting quick footfalls to Lidl, the budget-friendly German retailer is currently offering the Fuji Instax Mini 11 film camera for an astounding £30, nearly half its usual £70 high street tag. This bargain, part of Lidl's treasure trove middle aisle, includes not just the camera but also 10 shots of film, making it one of the year's top deals.


Tom Malley at The Sun has highlighted this exceptional offer, noting the camera's popularity for its chic, compact design and ability to produce retro, credit-card-sized prints in just 90 seconds. The bargain has captured the attention of Lidl enthusiasts and bargain hunters alike, especially after social media revelations have hinted at its limited shelf life.


Ellie Cook, a Lidl shopper from West Yorkshire, shared her scoop on TikTok, advising fellow bargain hunters to inquire directly with staff as the cameras may not be displayed openly. "Isn’t she gorgeous? Run, don’t walk,” Ellie exclaimed, signaling the urgency needed to snag this hot item.

Tom Church, Co-Founder of LatestDeals.co.uk, commented, "The rush for the £30 Fuji Instax Mini 11 at Lidl is a perfect example of how savvy shoppers can find incredible value on high-quality items. It's deals like these that make shopping exciting and rewarding, especially when you manage to get so much for so little."

Comments+20 points

What a bargain! I shall be going to Lidl tomorrow and fingers crossed I shall be able to buy one. Thanks Sid Jones.

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