Dos Any One Know Wear I Can Get Old Fashion Scales From
Good afternoon all hope you are all keeping well and safe. I want to buy old fashion scales wear you put a wight at one end and flour at the other end. I cant get on with the new ones and I've been looking for the old fashions ones. But I cant fine any . The stones went from 1.0z to 1lb and I loved using them . But I no longer have them . Which is a shame. I am missing doing my baking . Do you know wear I can buy any at a good price. Thank you for your help.
nicolajaynehend Amazon have these if you only want the weights
Ni Nicola,
I suggest you search for 'vintage scales' or 'cast iron scales' on eBay.
If you use the 'advanced' button (located to the right of the search box) to conduct an 'Advanced Search' you can specify how far to search for items from your own postcode. (2, 5, 10, 15 miles etc.) If you are lucky you might some nearby! In my area I see them and the weights for them in charity shops quite often.
Might pay you to ring around local charity shops to see if they’ve had some donated as buying online the postage maybe high.
Found this on Amazon, I'd just keep googling until you see what you're after, eBay might be a good place to look too
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